Chapter Forty Eight

Start from the beginning


As I walked to the place where I had agreed to meet him, I felt every bit of my heart pulsating in my chest. Every single beat of it. I had tied the glass box to my shawl and now held it protectively. Enzo was still asleep when I went back to his room to check up on him before leaving.

The walk here was a long one and the wind was so brutal, it shifted my clothes all around. The full moon above me was so dominant that it felt like daylight, not nighttime. It was so bright. I reached the clearing where I had been previously attacked as trepidation led my footsteps.

There he stood.

The glorious Alpha of my beloved pack - The Shadow Night Pack. There he was - the man after my life - Alpha Kai.

His back was turned to mine but he sensed my footsteps approaching, of course and he turned. He stared me down with eyes so dead that I remembered why he scared the life out of everyone in my pack even more so than Enzo did his own pack. Enzo led by respect, Alpha Kai led by pure terror.

When I stood before Alpha Kai, I felt my legs start to shake as a chill ran up my spine. He was thinking about killing me. I knew he was.

"Raven," He started. My name sounded so harsh on his lips. "Blonde is not your colour,"

"Hello to you too, Mak," I finally released the words that had been eating at my throat as I clenched my fists at the side.

"How did you finally figure it out?" Alpha Kai didn't even bother to deny it as his lips curved upward into a crooked smile.

I stumbled backwards a bit, feeling unsteady. I was right.

"I understand," He chuckled. "You slept with Enzo, didn't you?" That wasn't even a question. He knew. To him, it was a fact.

"I did and I realised that he didn't feel so different to me because I had been sleeping with another Alpha for three fucking years!" That was almost yelled out. I was such a fool. A huge fool.

For three years, I thought that I was the mistress to the Leader of the Assassins but in reality, I was the mistress to my pack's merciless Alpha. Neither did I ever suspect it nor can I bring myself to wrap my head around it now. Everything I had thought that I had done to Mak, I had actually done to Alpha Kai because Mak was Kai.

"You are the Alpha but still, the Leader of the Assassins', how?!" I was so perplexed. That's why Alpha Kai never rooted us out and killed us because the Leader was the Alpha. This is so fucked up.

"My birth name is Makai. My father created The Assassins' to keep our enemies in check. It has worked swimmingly so far until you decided to kill Yvie and caused me alot of trouble. Trouble I am still cleaning up several months later," I felt the familiar pain at my spine. Indeed, he was my Alpha and he was angry.

"You deceived me!" I accused him as Alpha Kai's navy blue eyes looked at me with so much hatred that my spine was slowly being crushed.

"Don't speak to me about deceit, Raven. You deceived me into giving you my word then you broke your end of the deal and did the one thing I told you not to do. Afterwards, you didn't even have the gall to face me and instead, fled my pack, deceived my best friend Matthew using my name and now I don't know what tall tales you have been telling Enzo that made him take you to his bed but from the look of your hair and eyes, your tale must be a marvellous one,"

Alpha Kai didn't even bother charging at me. He just remained with his hands stuffed in his pocket and shook his head at me. His laugh was wicked. He was amazed by me. I stood there being scrutinised by his marvelled eyes as he stopped crushing my spine with them.

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