"Wait, JB, so now you haven't slept a wink for two nights in a row?" I put a hand on Jack's shoulder with concern and a warning look on my face.

"Ah, so what?" Jack brushes my hand off, "Let's spar, Milton."

They both go to the middle of the mat, bowing to each other in respect before putting up their fists. Within a blink of an eye, Milton flipped Jack onto the floor. Jack groans on the floor.

"Holy Christmas nuts! I don't know what just happened but I think I just became a man!" Milton's voice raises five octaves, "I've gotta call my father." He runs into the back.

"Jack, come on, you just got your ass handed to you by Milton Krupnick. You're exhausted!" I help Jack up.

"Naomi's right, Jack, go to my office, lie down, and take a nap."

"Rudy, I'm fine. Tell him, Eddie." Jack slings his arm around Jerry's shoulders.

"Oh, no, I'm Jerry. The good-looking one."

"Said no one ever." I add.

"Jack, I'm not going to let you spar. It'd be too dangerous. I'm telling you, just go to my office."

"Rudy, you can't tell me what to do."

"Maybe he can't, but I can." I grab Jack's wrist pulling him into Rudy's office behind me even with his long and harsh argue following.

"Jack, what is up with you? You don't sleep, hardy eat, and argue with Rudy about even just taking a damn nap!" I close the door behind us.

"It's not my fault, Naomi."

I sigh heavily, "Here." I grab my backpack that I had in Rudy's office full of snacks. I throw Jack a bag of almonds, some fruit snacks, and my water bottle.

"Naomi, I'm not even hung—" Jack's stomach cuts him off with a loud grumble.

"Tell that to your stomach, jackass." I open the door to the office to leave.


"Yes, Jack?"

"Stay with me. We can watch a movie." He holds up Kung Fu Cop 77, the movie.

"Jack, you need sleep."

"I can sleep while watching it." He shrugs it off.

I close the door. "Fine."

Jack eats a few almonds and drinks some water before laying down on the coach, facing the small T.V. with the movie starting.

It was the summer of '77. A wave of crime swept the city like a giant broom of... crime.

I sit in the weird bean bag chair Rudy had.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jack looks at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Come lay down with me." Jack yawns.

I scoff, going over and laying down beside him. Jack smiles, pulling me into his chest so my head was laying in the crook of his neck. One of his arms wrapped around my shoulders and the other around my waist, holding me close as he yawns once more.

"Go to sleep, Jack."

"Only if you sleep with me."


"Shut the fuck up, Adams." Jack closes his eyes, smile on his face. I do the same.

"Get up, hairbags!" A loud voice startled me awake as the weird looking bald Eddie shakes Jack awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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