Start from the beginning

Jack rested his claw like hands on Y/n's shoulders to stop them from escaping a costume, Being behind the teen made them feel vulnerable with such a threatening creature being them.

"Okay, Well I can't help then." Jane chuckled, earning a sigh from Sally as the three once again walked out and back to the hallway.

"So...How about I just go for a quick Ya know and the blood will be perfect!" Y/n clapped their hands, stepping away from the two. "Okay..." Sally sighed, looking up to the monster besides her that now had his eyes narrowed on the teen.

His smile stayed threatening, sending chills down Y/n's spine.

"Good luck." Jack simply stated, picking up Sally into his hands and turned to the staircase. Y/n watched them walk down, away and into the main living room.

"Aw fuck." Y/n huffed, clenching they're fists.

Time skip~

They ran and ran, the music in they're ears so loud as the rhythm of the music and the sound of their boots thumping against the cement grew in sync.

A smile on their bloody lips, the blade thirsty for the crimson waters. The roads were blocked off with masked children and wild teens,  the scream mask on Y/n's face blended in with the others.

"Stupid mortals." Y/n would laugh, saying the usual trick or treat before stabbing the victims clean.

Soon, they grew tired and began entering homes for more wealthy treats.

The victim sat in his living room, a wealthy man with a bottle of liquor while a horror series played on the big screen. Y/n creeped behind the couch, gripping the knife so tight they're gloved knuckles turned white.

They bit down on their tongue, "Sycho killer" had began to play loud in their cordless headphones.

"Sycho killer for sure." Y/n whispered, springing up and over the tan couch, raising the blade above they're head and brought it down into the mans stomach. He let out a blood curdling gurgle, pushing the teen off of himself.

Y/n quickly got to they're feet, the music began to play over the mans speakers in his Lounge.

"Ha, good song choice." The man let out a airy laugh, gripping his stomach as Blood soaked out of his grey clothe and onto the white rug below him.

"Yeah pal, Must be pretty nice for last song request." Y/n sighed, twirling the knife playfully in-between they're fingers. "So...you going to finish me or just?" His drunken mind couldn't comprehend a lot, but he started humming to the new song; "Thriller" that would soon silence his screams for the neighbors.

"I wanna play." The teen smiled underneath the mask, now moist from the red substance.

The mans eyes widened, thinking he would have a easy death was now way gone.

"Oh shit." He whispered, taking a step back as he clenched the beer bottle in his hands. "Oh shit for sure buddy!" Y/n chirped, flinging a vase at the man.

"Must be a thriller of a night!" Y/n chuckled to themselves, earning a whimper from the man.
"Please not the dad jokes."

"How the tables have turned." Y/n sighed, sprinting towards the man, grabbing a good chunk of his black hair and tugged his head towards they're thirsty blade.

Disgusting gurgles followed.

Y/n let the man slide to the ground, standing over the man, the killer earned something more sour than a treat.

Guilt, but the power! Ah yes, one thing all killers look for.

Y/n quickly found an open window, sliding out of it they hurried to the streets once more and walked among the groups of teens and girls who showed to much skin. But who cared? It was a night for fun and blood!

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