Bonus Chapter- Randelo's Note

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Walking away from the clinic of the frozen nurse, Michael tried to act like a time anomaly had never happened.

He walked with wobbly legs and tired shoulders carrying his backpack and he felt hungry. He thought about eating chicken chops again.

Students seemed to be glaring at him like he was some sort of escaped freak nuclear experiment. They whispered as he passed by.

"Siya yung fshfshfsh kanina ah," a lady said to her friend as she pointed to Michael. For some strange reason Michael couldn't hear the people around him well.

"Mrr-mrr-mmmmr... Hinimatashshsh kanina," that and a dozen other muffled chatter from students got into Michael's ears as he waited in line to order chicken chops.


"Aw!" Michael exclaimed in surprise as he rubbed his shoulder and looked to his side and saw a tall lady who looked mad at him. Beside her was a lady holding a styrofoam food container with a hashbrown on a paper plate on top.

Suddenly, his hearing cleared.

"Excuse me po! Padaan kami! Binge ka ba?" the tall lady said.

The hashbrown lady didn't look pleased either.

He realized he was jamming the hallway where he was standing at the end of the line with his bulky bag.

"Ah sorry po." Michael stood sideways to let them through.

He smelled the distracting aroma of the hashbrown from the lady as she passed by and accidentally put his foot in the way of the lady's and tripped her. She was about to fall face first with her styrofoam in front of her then, she froze.

"Uhh, oops."

Michael thought he did it again, only this time everybody around him was frozen. He saw the contents of the the lady's styrofoam spilling but stuck in mid-air- rice. The hashbrown floating in front of the lady's face.

"Hashbrown and... rice? Unusual but, not a bad idea."

He put the contents back in the styrofoam and put the hashbrown back on top of it. He then carefully repositioned the lady in standing position, which felt a little awkward since it looked like he was playing with a human sized doll.

"Unfreeze?" He commanded unsurely.

Then the hashbrown lady was upright, confused and certainly not a doll figure anymore. Her friend wondered what happened too.

They both glared angrily at Michael then walked away.

"Uhmm, sorry and you're welcome?" he muttered to himself.

"Nainis ako dun ha!" hashbrown lady said as they sat in one of the sheds as they ate.

"Uy, teka ano yung nasa collar mo?


They saw a note that said:

"Chill out, God loves you :) -Michael Randelo"


"Creepy," the tall lady said.


Note: Crossover imminent! Check out the wisdom-filled and cool story, Christ-centered Relationship by katkat0321 and you might see something happen between the two stories. :)

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