Chapter 2

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【Chapter 2 : One last Drink Together】

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"It seems the American organisation of gifted called The Guild has been sending Guild assassins to exterminate us, I was willing to forgive them the first time... However it's become a common occurrence," This was new information to Nyx. She knew about the first assassin that was brutally eliminated by Chuuya, Gin, Tachihara, the old man Hirotsu and Kajii. When Nyx found out she wasn't at all surprised. If you plan on targeting the Port Mafia than be prepared to face the hellish Consequences, that includes death. Just like everyone else, Nyx could guess what was coming next - War, most likely a three way war between them, the guild and the agency, "In conclusion, we need an optimal solution,"

While Mori continued to stand as the center of attention in the room they were all meeting in, everyone stayed silent out of respect. You couldn't hear the shifting of people's clothes, you couldn't hear their steady breaths or even the small sinister chuckles That Tachihara let loose and it was like you couldn't even hear the coughs coming from Akutagawa as he leaned over in pain, no thanks to his latest injury or his Lung disease. You couldn't hear the planes soaring freely in the blue sky, the clatter of knives Gin had in her pockets but what you could hear was the silent excitement and anticipation each of them in the room tried to hold back. Elise sang herself a melody while Mori began to speak once more, "Those who dare to oppose us and incur our wrath...will die,"

"Just how do you propose we go about this, boss?" Chuuya marveled with a curiosity he knew would be cured eventually. Well his question was certainly answered as Moris gaze hung over Nyx who was patiently waiting for the puppet master to put his puppet into the play. She nodded slowly and showed an excited, devilish, look that didn't at all reflect the unease she bottled up inside; Finally it was her turn. Mori was going to use her as a wildcard, throw it onto the table in hopes that it would achieve greater things when it came to taking down the agency, getting rid of them once and for all so there was no competition or opposition left.

"I think it's about time we put you on the battlefield, Nyx," Mori looked especially frigid and aloof at that moment. His gaze stared straight into Nyx's soul, it was sinister, intimidating. Her blood rushed through her body and her heart beat ferociously. "Don't let me down, You wouldn't want to go back to the streets would you?"

Not a word was spoken. Only Mori could create such feelings that dwelled in the depths of Nyx's mind and soul.

"I'll do my best," She answered obediently, head down towards the ground with her eyes closed in defeat. She had a debt to pay back.

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Nyx felt uneasy. Mori had made his intentions extremely clear when he recruited her, he wanted her to stay hidden, do smaller jobs and not get caught. She was their secret, their circumstantial unknown factor to throw on the field when things got serious or a little tricky. Her gift wasn't half as strong as Chuuyas or as deadly as Kōyōs but it was adaptable and that made it useful. However, there were devastating risks if she didn't meet Moris expectations of her. The pressure was on finally. A voice pulled her out of her thoughts, "How do you feel about your first job?"

It was Chuuya.

"Truly delighted, Chuuya," Nyx answered sarcastically, spinning around swiftly on her bar stool seat, being confused why Chuuya had sought her out when he should've been busy with receiving orders from Mori. She was contemplating going to sleep and getting more rest to energize herself but the time was wrong. She'd much rather ask Mori if she could take a nap somewhere just in case he wanted her for something, she didn't want to be a nuisance. Instead she resorted to drinking a cup of plain water in the bar she often visited - it was a relief no one recognised her.

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