Chapter 9

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【Chapter 9 : Mystery】

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They were falling.

The drop from the ship to the earth's surface was great, Nyx wouldn't admit that she felt a little intimidated but she wasn't going to back down. Atushi kept Nyx clutched within the grip of his fingers, he held on tightly and he promised himself he wouldn't let go.

The wind blew Nyx's hair as they fell almost in slow motion. Birds avoided them. The ocean seemed large, and the proximity between them and the pier was large, so large they both thought they'd miss it but they convinced themselves for their own comfort they wouldn't. Their stomachs dropped, falling wasn't fun. Not as fun as your stomach flipping on a roller-coaster. Her body was cold. The pressure of the air bit at her skin as they fell. Her blood rushed. The beginnings of adrenaline spread around her body. Atsushi grabbed the string of the parachute and tugged it harshly. The two of them jolted, the wind being knocked from their lungs as the parachute immediately decreased the speed of their fall.

Nyx adjusted her blurry eyesight which was clouded by tears to peer up at the ship, making a useless effort to spot any shine or flicker of a firearm on the ship. It was useless. The tears in her eyes prevented her from seeing anything clearly while she also floated down aimlessly with Atsushi whose arms were still wrapped firmly around her waist. Admittedly, her ribs burned her nerves with cackling jolts of pain.

She swallowed any saliva she could in hopes to rehydrate her dry throat. Finally, she stopped her movement. Her eyes had caught onto the shimmer of danger she was waiting for. Atsushi noticed something was off but he was too late. A deafening bang rang through their ears, a sound wave ripping through the atmosphere. Their bodies jolted, Nyx cried in the sudden burning of agony and their fall suddenly became swifter. Nyx attempted to peer upwards at the awkward angle of the airs force pushing her head and neck to the side. The parachute had been shot. She narrowed her eyes.

With more adrenaline coursing through her body and her breaths being disrupted, she brought her pointing finger to her mouth and slammed her jaw down. She whined at the pain, wincing, tearing up, her nerves were sure to make her feel the regret later. The blood dribbled from her finger, trickling into the cracks of the skin just like it had when Akutugawa had dished out her punishment. She focused, the wind drowning out, Atsushis' cries becoming nonexistent through her ears, the scene around her slowly darkening, highlighting where she narrowed her sight, the cold that attacked her soon became a flowing warmth under her skin as Nyx used her ability to direct her blood at the tip of her pointing finger. She created a small sphere of crimson. She let out a confident huff, smirked and closed her left eye.

She aimed, paused, and then shot.

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Nyx frantically lunged towards the weretiger who was on the ground soaked in thick blood, it slid down his face, avoiding his eyes, and stained his shirt. His shirt was torn. He had thrown Nyx between two buildings, shielding her from the explosion when a bullet met the truck of gasoline and shot up in flames that crawled towards them too quickly for them to run. The pain exploded in her ribs, previous wounds opening back up, the skin and flesh angered about the hindered healing process. Putting Nyx's safety first, Atsushi was caught up in another explosion which tossed his body like a ragdoll.

"Stupid Agency detectives being so stupid and selfless, I'm more than capable to look out for my own safety,"

As Nyx lunged towards Atsushi, she stumbled, her kneecaps and the palms of her hands meeting the concrete and tar on the ground. Scrapes littered across her hands but she discarded them and placed her hands on Atsushis shoulders. She turned him around with little effort and cradled him in her arms, placing her right hand in his limp hands. She sucked in a breath and gently let it out, activating her ability once more, using an extension of her ability she didn't use and so she didn't attempt to master.

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