Entry : Donghyuck

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July 16th, 2022

My name is Lee Donghyuck. I am 22 years old, my birthday was on June sixth where I celebrated with my friends. It was much like Kun hyung's birthday, but less messy. I cannot handle a messy environment so I was strict of them to keep it as less dirty as possible, or they would be cleaning it up. They ended up cleaning it. Anyway, I wonder if it is allowed to reach each others journals, I’ll discuss it with Yuta hyung. I wouldn’t want mine to be read, or else people will begin to point fingers at me. If someone does read it, I’m sorry, I never meant for this to happen. I’ll try to explain. Okay. I know I have said I worked as a doctor, and Doyoung hyung supported me on that statement, but it’s a lie. Yes, I have medical training, I’m trying to pour less salt on the wound, but it wasn’t my main job. I work in a hospital, but moreover in the lower area, it’s practically a huge basement. My true job is as a scientist where I work underground in a restricted area where only people with tags to confirm their identity are able to come through. We perform.. unspeakable acts, experiments, diseases, the cures for those diseases, we have human test subjects who come in payed. It is written in their contract they cannot sue, nor any of their familiars or anyone if something damages him or her, or if they die. Most come who are desperate for money. I can’t help but pity them, I try not to, but when they die and people try to find the area their loved one were previously working in with anger and depression consuming them, it’s hard to look at. I often send them flowers with an anonymous apology note. Of course, it’s never enough. But there was this one who came in, we would be testing a disease on him along with three other visitors where they would be testing a few possible cures for it. I was furious, knowing the cause and effect of it, they didn’t understand what they were dealing with. They excused it as ‘science’ I condemned it, I said it was imminent and useless test that will go askew. I said they were all conniving, mercenary people who were treating something treacherous and would regret it if they continue with their nefarious act. I warned them. I warned them, I didn’t listen to their asks of help with the project because that was no project. That was a disease that would eradicate the human race.

My name is Lee Donghyuck, and guilt is a gun trigger.

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