Chapter Thirty-One

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"I'm Batty for You"


I watched in growing annoyance as Jason and Damian, my wonderfully special boyfriends, get into their third argument of the day. My eyes drifted to the clock discarded on the ground, glass cracked but slim hands still moving with the passage of time.

"You're paying for a new one," I muttered to no one in particular. Like salt in an open wound, there was another shattering echo of glass breaking. "That too."

"Stop throwing shit!" Jason squealed like a schoolgirl in a pillow fight. Both were amused and slightly alarmed by the quick onslaught of makeshift projectiles growing alarmingly dangerous.

"Then stop throwing shit back!" Damian growled back as he caught a flying vase and gently put it aside. Only to quickly grab a TV remote and toss it back at Jason.

Jason, who was hiding behind me, pulled us both to the side in an attempt to "save me". Even though Damian was obviously throwing off marks to avoid such an occurrence.

"Hey! You almost hit Jocelyn!" Jason yelped. His hands dug into my shoulders and I shivered in discomfort. He noticed and loosened his grip, inching them down my arms in what I thought was a soothing gesture. Instead, it was so he could grab me by the waist and use me as a human shield as a soft pillow smacked me in the chest.

"Please don't pull me into this," I sighed. A pending headache began to form. "I expected no better from Jason but seriously Damian... must you both act like children?"

"He started it!" They both echoed in defense.

"For fucks sake"

It had been like this all morning. They first began squabbling when they woke up, something about hogging blankets and snoring. Then during breakfast, Damian took the last seat next to me. Then for the third time, just moments ago, when I asked an innocent question of what movie to watch.

Each fight came from nothing and ended with someone taking it too far and getting smacked by either Alfred or me. Literally, anything became an insult worth mentioning in order to back up their argument over why the other is annoying. Appearances, background, diet, fighting style, how they chew their food, their sleeping position, even who is Alfred's favorite (that's right, not whose MY favorite but whose Alfred's favorite....spoiler alert, it's me).

I'm already on my period. The last thing I need is extra stress coming from two man-children fighting over literally nothing.

"Your taste in movies is just as horrible as your sense of humor," Damian snarled out of nowhere. Earning a loud gasp from Jason as though it was some kind of mega insult. "What grown man watches My Little Pony?"

"That's a lot of judgment coming from the same guy whose personality originates from his combined mummy and daddy issues," was Jason's speedy retort. I couldn't help but let a small petty snort escape. "See, even Jocelyn agrees."

"Don't put words in my mouth," I jabbed my elbow into his stomach. His arms loosened and i quickly stepped out and away from his warm embrace. Shifting aside as another projectile zoomed past and hit its target.

Wanting to leave all this bullshit behind, I try to make an escape for the staircase. Hoping to seek comfort in my room where I can lock the door and wait for everything to blow over. My attempt was futile as I was grabbed by both arms and stopped from taking another step further.

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