Chapter Thirty

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Food + Hugs 


I fell asleep filled with a kind of mirth that numbed the pain resulting from the extensive training with Jason. The gleeful joy of having Jason finally grow a pair and join my growing harem lulled me deep into sleep's sweet embrace. A sense of security came from this new emotional vulnerability, of opening my traumatized heart to an equally, if not more, traumatized heart.

Seriously, why is everyone so traumatized in this house?

But my rest wasn't as long as I would have wished. I was fished from the depths by sounds and sensations that drove my body alert. They were small insignificant things like the muffled shifting of sheets, the hushed snores of my lover, and the faint chirp of birds greeting the rising sun. It was also the weight of fabric on my flushed skin and the harsh ache of my sore muscles growing cramped and tight.

Every sound, every sensation, had my body twitching with a resounding urge to scream out in frustration. I sighed as I felt my eyelids shift and begin to adjust to the natural light of the room. My hand anxiously rubbed the wrinkled linen duvet as I noticed a certain twisting pain in my abdomen. A kind of pain that was both familiar and exhausting.

A sigh racked down my spine as I let out a deep breath and weakly pushed back the covers. Jason was thankfully scrunched into a ball beside me, so at least I didn't have to wrestle out of his grasp. He barely flinch as I rummaged through my drawers and paced to my bathroom, not bothering to close the door as I stripped my clothes and turned the shower tap.

I stood under the running water and let the cool droplets wash away any remaining sweat and exhaustion before turning off the tap. Short and refreshing. A soft towel hung around my neck as I slowly wrapped myself in a robe. With each passing moment, I could feel my body tensing and becoming taunting with each cramp. From my shoulders and lower back to the basic-shaped area of my pelvis.

My period had come and it arrived with a burning vengeance.

I quickly dried myself off and dressed in loose, comfy clothing. As I walked back into my bedroom, a quick check on the clock showed that it was just after eight, so I knew that breakfast would be ready shortly. With another sigh, I padded back to the bed and stared down at my sleeping roommate.

His chest rose slowly as he slept peacefully, but his face had a crease between his eyebrows from how tightly his mouth was clenched shut. The light from the window shone softly into the dark room, casting a warm streak across his sharp jaw and crooked nose. He looked so soft at this moment, like a little kitten curled up. His dark eyelashes fanned against his cheeks, gently brushing the surface of his skin.

Jason shifted ever so slightly in his sleep, a small mumble escaping his parted lips before falling silent again. I couldn't help but smile fondly. My hand stretched out to brush some raven strands from his face and slid up to smooth his brow. His expression softened and relaxed, his lips parting temptingly as his eyes fluttered open.

He blinked groggily up at me for a few seconds until they met mine. I could see the surprise that flashed through those beautiful emerald irises as his mind hurried to wake up and process the situation. In his stunned moment, I leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to his forehead and pulled away.

"Sleep more, I'll save you some breakfast," I smiled and leaned away. It only took him two seconds to recover. A wide grin spread across his face and he quickly rolled onto his stomach and reached a hand out to grasp my wrist. He yanked me towards him and wrapped his arms around me. I fell forward and landed on the bed with a thud.

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