Marry you

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( don't play the song until it says play the song)

Venus POV

Oh my god. I can't believe this is happening.

Just beyond these set of doors waits the man of my dreams and love of my life.

I can't believe that after today. In a few hour matter of fact. I will be a married man and prince of a nation.

Life is so carzy, honestly. Two years ago I would have never fathomed myself being here.

Standing here in this gorgeous suit, at this beautiful venue, surrounded by dozens upon dozens of beautiful flowers, with a beautiful soon to be husband, beautiful kids, who I hope aren't giving Rowan too much trouble in the audience.

I hear the orchestra begin to play

(Play song)

"Are you ready?" My dad says from my side

I look over at him and can see tears welling up in his eyes.

"No crying, today is supposed to be happy." I joke

"Tears of Joy, my son." He smiles at me

I give him a smile

I take a deep breath and turn to face the doors.

I nod to the butlers stationed on either side of the door

"Let's get to the start of forever."

The door open to the outdoor part of the venue. A white staircase leading down to a canopy of flowers draping over the filled audience. The orchestra seated of to the sides playing their instruments in beautiful rhythm and synchronicity. The white isle covered in flowers petals. Joey waiting at the side as my maid of honor. Looking so ever lastinly gorgeous in her royal blue dress.

And at the end. There waits my beaming husband, looking so unimaginably handsome.

Everyone stands and I begin my descent to the alter.

A smile can't help but make it's way onto my face.

As I get closer to Damien, my smile only grows and realization begins to creep in.


The thought only makes me happier.

As I walk down the isle. I don't recognize many faces, but I'm sure I will grow to know them very well in the coming years.

I make eye contact with Joey as I approach the alter. She smiles at me and gives me a nod.

I reach the end of the isle and small set of steps leading up to the alter.

My dad joins me up the last two steps then leaves me and stands off to Damien's side, as I take my position in front of Damien and join hands

"Hi." Damien whispers to me

"Hi" I whisper back

We both look towards the officiant.

He motions for the crowd to sit and they follow in suit.

"We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Venus Stephens and Damien Salem. Their relationship has gone through the test of time and many emotions. But through the good and bad, pretty and ugly, thick and thin. They stuck by each other's sides.

So today we make their divine pairing official.

The two grooms may now exchange vows."

Damien begins first

"Venus. Um where do I even start. I knew from the moment set eyes on you, that is after you spilled wine on me"

I hear a small laugh come from the crowd. I'll make sure to kick him later for that joke.

"That you were the only one for me. And as time has told, I was very right. Venus, I admire and love everything about you. From the way you talk to the way you brush your teeth. I am absolutely infatuated with you. I love waking up next to you every morning and never want it to end.

I cannot wait to become your every doting husband." He finishes with a smile

I feel tears starting to stream down my cheeks.

I take a moment to compose myself before I begin.

"Urggh this is going to sound so bad. But on the contrary to yours, when we first met I was quite terrified of you. You were this big scary ruler that had an equally mean reputation. But I decided to give you a chance. And I'm so happy I did, you have made life even brighter over these past few years.

I enjoy getting to know the real you. The kind and loving father who is willing to do anything for others.  The guy who will stop everything to make sure you're okay. You may have a hard shell but on the inside you're a big teddy bear.

I promise to be the best and only husband you'll ever have.

I can't wait to forever be married to my teddy bear."

I see Damien's face and his eyes look a bit watery but his smile is so unimaginably wide at the end of my vows

A butler comes into view with the rings sitting on a pillow. We each grab one.

"Do you Venus Stephens take Damien Salem to be your lawfully wedded to have and to hold in holy matrimony. Till death do you part?"

I slide the ring onto Damien's finger
"Yes, I do."

"And Do you Damien Salem take Venus Stephens to be your lawfully wedded to have and to hold in holy matrimony. Till death do you part?"

Damien slides the ring onto my finger

"Hell, yes." He smiles

"Are there any objects to this union?" The officiant asks

The crowd stays silent

"By the power vested in the royal court and me. I now pronounce you husband and husband. The grooms may now ki-"

Before the wedding officiant can even finish his sentences. Damien pulls me in and connects our lips.and the audience erupts in cheers.

"No running away now, you're all mine." He whispers in my ear then goes back to smothering my face with kisses.

"Okay, okay. This part is on tv. Keep it pg." I laugh

"I guess I'll just have to wait for tonight then." He winks

I smile and slightly blush. Then peck him on the lips before turning us toward the crowd with hands interlocked.

We run Down the isle as flower petals are thrown from all directions.

I guess I'm now a married man.

(Sorry this chapter is kinda short. And sorry for the unforeseen hiatus. I felt bad for leaving y'all hanging like that. So I decided to pump a chapter out really quickly and not keep you guys waiting any longer. The next chapter will be about the reception and days following the wedding. The series is not over yet or coming to an end. There's still a few more plot lines I want to cover/ include in this story. For those of you wondering)

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