silence is enough

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When zayn left the room we remained silent.

We just kept sitting there in the sofa, our fingers entertwined. No words had to be spoken now and we were both okay with that. 

I was still surprised she'd listened to me.  

I had the feeling she truly trusted me, and felt safe here. 

I was glad for that, happy I could give her a place. 

Hapy I didn't gave up last night when she wanted to leave. 

I was also surprised she slept next to me and let my hold her hand, like now. 

I think she just needed someone, that she needed to be sure there was someone with her, that she was not alone.  

And now that she was here, I never wanted to let her go. 

It's weird to say, I don't now her yet 24 hours but she already had a great influence on me. 

And I think it's a good thing, she made me think less of my own problems and realize that other people had worse things happening to them. 

After all, not all in my life was bad. 

I still had a caring family and some incredible friends. 

I hoped one day she could also experience again how it is to be surrounded with people who loved her. 

I 'm sure I could be the first and I was sure my friends would also welcome her like that. 

I even was more sure that my mother would like to meet here once I told her about Aria. 

Gemma could be a loving older sister to her, someone on who she could rely on for things she didn't want to talk about with me. 

They would both accept her as a new member of the family. 

I'm sure Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie would welcome her with open arms. 

We could give her what she needed. 

We could give her a new family.

We could give her back her life in some ways. 

Some things can't be replaced. 

And some things unfortunately can't be fixed. 

And more problems wil probably occur but when she let us welcome her like that, she would never have to face them alone. 

There would be people to help her. 

There would never be a lonely day for her anymore. 

Never a neverending nightmare. 

Never the fear of being beat byher father or his friends.

Never the fear of waking up in a house where no love could be found.

She would always have someone to talk to. 

Alway someone to help her. 

Always someone to share the pain. 

And hopefuly also someone, or more people to share joy with, people with who she could experience hapiness. 

People who won't let her fall.  

People who wouldn't give up on her.

I hoped Aria would let us a chance to do that to her. 

Oh, God, she isstil only sixteen.  

She can't be alone.

My thoughts were interrupted by voices, talking and screaming while they made their way to us. 

I saw a furious Zayn storming into the room. 

He was followed by my other bandmates. 

They were als looking angry.  

And as soon as they arrived where we were sitting, I saw regret mixing with the anger at their faces. 

Before I could open my mouth, Louis threw some things at me.

My heart stopped beating for a second as I saw the things he had thrown. 

Aria let go my hand and also looked at it.

It were things I'd started hating the last months.

Gossip journals.

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