Chapter 19

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At Hendrickson's Magical Research Facility, formerly Merlin's castle

Within the halls of the castle atop of the large mountain formerly owned by the Boar's Sin of Gluttony, Merlin, Great Holy Knight Hendrickson walked with an elderly Holy Knight wearing copper-themed armor with a cape and a demonic helm along with a deadly scimitar sheathed at his side as they discussed about their plans in their conversation. 

"Another addition to the New Generation has been a success for tonight! Right Lord Great Holy Knight Hendrickson?", the elderly Holy Knight spoke playfully. 

"Yes, Jericho has proven herself to be compatible with the Demon blood and has now learning to adapt to her new power she obtained from drinking its blood under Guila's guidance along with the few others, Cardinal Helbram.", the white-spiky haired Great Holy Knight commented before adding, "Too bad I can't say for the rest." 

Helbram shrugged off and said, "Well, those wannabe Holy Knights weren't even compatible with the Demon blood anyway. Twigo was among the list of Apprentice Holy Knights we would have taken in had not for the Owl's Sin of Vanity killing him at Bernia. I must say for the other rest of them, they must have been lucky that Lady Great Holy Knight Esdeath brought more of them in into her Jaegers and got Sacred Treasures just like the Sins." 

"Don't patronize her, Helbram. I am aware of the fact that Esdeath has been working against me from the shadows despite my attempts to control her upon using my Enslavement of the Dead after a help of an alchemist from their group who brought back her dead body with a piece of arm from what's left of her original body. Her willpower to resist me is really strong I'd admit but she's yet to regain her full strength if stories about her reputation from the Empire are true. That includes her comrade who appears to be the younger sister of the eight Sin, she's quite troublesome... The power gap between the New Generation and the Jaegers is getting wider by now.", Hendrickson stated about the rebellion of the two most dangerously-skilled women from the Empire he revived from his thrall and the growing gap between the two factions led by himself and the Ice Queen within the Holy Knights in the kingdom. 

"Are you sure about them, Lord Hendrickson? The ones you've hired for our plan. Some of their violent behavior and cruel tendencies greatly disturbs me for the past ten years. Secretly razing towns and brutalizing the people in every cruel way possible as much as they please while blaming it on the Sins or us before you put a stop it. Hell, even I had standards of my own to uphold and wouldn't go that far.", the Cardinal-ranked Holy Knight explained in quite a disturbed tone. 

"Of course I'm sure. They have been very useful to me in progressing my plans for ten years despite their certain flaws that is worth paying them a lot of gold for.", the Great Holy Knight simply stated before he and Helbram entered a room where a certain group of people were gathered. 

The first one among the group and revealed to be a young girl small of height and blonde hair wearing a turquoise dress with a white apron and a ribbon on her head as she spoke, "Well, well. If it isn't our longtime client, Great Holy Knight Hendrickson and his old man lackey. What can we do for you?" 

"Hmm... is it time for us to move now, Dorothea? Kosetsu starves and craves for more blood to feed upon.", a tall man with black worn in a top pony tail, closed eyes and wore a samurai clothing spoke solemnly while holding a twig in his mouth and held his sword. 

"Where's the young children? Where are they? I'm getting bored here, Izou, everyone. So bored.", a middle-aged overweight dark-tanned man with puffs of dark curly hair above his ears and wore clown makeup and clothing, as well as a small baseball hat with a smiley face on it complained in a bored tone. 

"Be patient, Champie. You'll have them soon just for you. In fact, I'll have everyone in the capital and the countryside hear my spectacular performance of my singing for myself!", an adult woman with bob-style pink haircut and bunny ears accessory on her head and wore a minidress, a collar and matching wrist bands, boots and a pair of glasses spoke in concern of Champ while striking a stage pose with her microphone Teigu. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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