Chapter 4

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In the first seven months since becoming an eighth member of the Seven Deadly Sins and now a citizen of the kingdom of Liones, Akame is in a state of culture shock when given a tour around the capital city of the kingdom with King and Diane (who was shrunken to human size by Merlin's Minimum Pills for several hours) as her guides. Both were very eager to help the former Night Raid member to familiarize herself with the new land she's in now by Meliodas' request.

"Come on, Akame! You gotta love this!", Diane cheerfully said in enthusiasm. King gave his thumbs up in support of his fellow comrade whilst floating around lazily, leaving the black-haired girl sweat-drop in what she just saw.

The Owl's Sin of Vanity was introduced to the culture and lifestyle of the capital, most of them resembles that of the Empire's rural villages in medieval setting as she, Diane and King walked around the capital, meeting with the citizens of the kingdom who are enjoying satisfied and contented lives, such as men singing and drinking merrily like brothers, women selling goods and flowers to customers, some are having a good chat with each other, children playing cheerfully, etc.

On the other hand, Akame was pleased of the peaceful and joyful atmosphere, after sensing no ill or evil intentions among anyone she come across almost as if crime and corruption never existed at all in Liones.

Despite her appearance namely black hair and red eyes, the Owl's Sin of Vanity was accepted by the citizens like one of their own.

"Hey Akame, join us for a drink!"

"You idiot she can't drink. She's too young for that you buffon!"

"Oh right! Sorry ma'am! Hahahaha!"

The Owl's Sin of Vanity is called to be beautiful at her age, noticed by the people of Liones unaware of her sad dark past as an Imperial Assassin and member of Night Raid behind her radiant warm smile.

Even the Holy Knights benefited from it too when they're not on duty defending the kingdom from threats as seen with them drinking. The ex-Night Raid member could have sworn seeing two large men who appeared to be Holy Knights, one in training and the other one supervising it as she heads in their path while King and Diane went off somewhere else for now probably bathroom break or a little drinking until they come back.

"B-big brother! I'm done! I give up on my dream on being a Holy Knight! It's confirmed!"

"With an attitude like that, you'll never be a Holy Knight! Run! Run! Training initiated!", the larger man who appeared to be the older brother of the one he trained loudly tells him.

As the younger brother of the larger man ran, he nearly bumped into Akame if she hadn't jumped out of the way with her quick reflexes.

"Sorry miss! I'll make it up to you later! It's confirmed!", the man said as he kept running.

"Uh...apology accepted...", the Owl's Sin of Vanity awkwardly said after seeing him leave.

"Oh I'm sorry miss. My little brother Twigo gets a bit careless sometimes.", the larger man said, chuckling while approaching Akame. "My manners. My name is Kaide."

"Akame, the Owl's Sin of Vanity.", the blacked-haired introduced herself.

The larger man named Kaide raised his eyebrow upon hearing her name. "So you're the Eighth Sin everyone's talking about in the castle and the one who took out the entire barbarian army is that correct, milady?".

Akame nodded in response, confirming his wonders.

"..And also the one who eats a lot of meat in the castle's dining hall.", Kaide added.

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