When They Get Jealous

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He trusts you completely and knows you can handle yourself.


She just watches and doesn't really care that much but if she thinks something is going on she'll avoid you for a little while.


She will watch but will become angry if you are showing signs of being uncomfortable.


He will stay by your side and will try to watch how you handle it without intervening.


She will tell them to back off because you're with her.


He will become very lovey dovey in attempt to make the other person uncomfortable so they leave.


He will be worried but will try to play it off as he is fine.


She gets a little upset but tries to be open minded about it due to her wanting to trust you.


She tries to give you the chance to handle things yourself but will immediately intervene if need be.


He trusts you and will try to be civil about it but can become clingy if the other person isn't taking the hint.


He will act mopy and will cry a little but will cheer up when you assure him he's the one for you.


She will visibly become more cold and harsh toward you until you figure out she is jealous then she will act like she isn't jealous at all even though she is.

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