First Thoughts

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"This girl does not seem to like me. But she's so cute. I can't believe she's related to Chris. She acts nothing like him. She might be resisting me now but she won't for long."


"This girl acts so out going and yet so dark at the same time. I like it. She may be different but it's a good different."


"I'm so glad my childhood girl friend with me to camp. We've always been really tight. Just kinda wish the boys would stop drooling over her. I won't mess with her relationships with people but I won't tolerate her being mistreated either."


"This girl is so rad. She acts a lot like Gwen but in some cases she doesn't. I'm always learning something new about her. I like it."


"Ugh. This girl is so frustrating. She always wants to be the lead and never listens to me... But we do seem to have some things in common and I guess it's kinda adorable how she does things. Okay I'll admit it. She is kinda cute. Frustrating. But cute."


"This girl is so stubborn. She doesn't do what I want at all. She is completely resistant to my charm which is weird. Though it does make her more appealing. I like a challenge."


"I can't believe this girl saw me change personalities. A girl! She's gonna think I'm a freak. Huh. She's not acting afraid. I wonder why?"


"She's Alejandro's sister!? I heard he was a complete jerk! But she does seem to act differently from him. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to give her a chance."


"Man this girl can climb. She acts a lot like me. Strong, fast, brave. I wonder what else this girl can do."


"Wow. She's so brave. She's also really compassionate. It's nice of her to help me get over my fears... Even if I won't get over all of them. But if it means I can hang out with her I'll do it!"


"Wow. She's so kind. I can't believe she'd be willing to help me win over Sky. I've never had a friend willing to do something like that for me before."


"Wow. I didn't realize Dave had a sister... They act nothing alike. But she's really cute though. What am I saying? I need to focus on the competition."

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