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This takes place after No Way Home.

Starting a new life was hard for Peter. Balancing work, learning and Spider-Man was harder than he thought. But he couldn't quit with any of it. He needed to work to be able to keep paying his rent. He needed to learn for his exams so he could go to uni if he wanted, cause yeah, bad part about being erased as Peter Parker, he also had no school records anymore. And not being Spider-Man would make him feel so guilty.

It has been 5 months since it happened, and Peter is exhausted. Living on 4 hours of sleep every night is hard, but that's the max he could afford. And tonight he was noticing the lack of sleep. Having almost no more energy and being so far from home, he somehow did not notice he swung all the way to Hell's Kitchen. 

He sat on a rooftop, catching his breath when he spotted figures moving some rooftops over. It looked like they were fighting. Being as curious as he is he went over to it. But he did not expect to see what he saw. 


And they were fighting someone. But it looked like that someone was struggling, a lot. So, of course, Peter went to help that someone.  Joining the fight he noticed how quiet it was, even with his enhanced hearing he could not hear the ninja's heartbeats. Only his and that other person, who seems to be devil-dressed or something. 

Fighting the ninjas was hard, they were well-trained, and they had swords. But Peter and the other person were now on the winning hand. But Peter was struggling, his exhaustion was affecting his spidey sense which made it harder and harder to not be sliced by their swords. But he did not quit, he kept fighting. And that went good, till the last ninja he fought. Not seeing the attack from behind and his sense not warning him, he was stabbed by the sword in his stomach. 

Peter felt pain, a lot of pain. Looking down he was a shiny silver sword with blood sticking out of his stomach. He heard grunting behind him so he turned around, Getting dizzy from the spinning. He saw the devil person knocking out the ninja. Peter felt happy the fight was over, but he also felt like passing out. His knees started to give out as he fell to the ground, but luckily the devil caught him. 

"I got you." He said. 

"It hurts.." Peter said weakly as he started to cough, lifting his mask a little so he could spit out what he thought was spit, but to his horror it was blood. He gasped and started to panic a little, trying to move around but the devil person stopped him. 

"Stop doing that!" He said sternly. "You will make it worse!" His hand held Peter still. 

Peter's head was spinning, so many thoughts were running around in his head. Will he die? Will he heal? Is the sword still in? Wait? Is it?

"Get it out..." Peter said weakly. 


"Get... it... out..."

"You will bleed to death if I do that." The devil sounded a little annoyed. 

"Speed healing... get it... out or I... will h-heal around... it" Peter was getting more and more tired, barely having the energy to keep his eyes open. 

"Okay, I get it. But you gotta promise me to stay awake!" Peter could only nod in response. He could feel the sword moving, the pain was all Peter could feel. He screamed before passing out. 

"Shit" Was all the Devil had in response. He picked up, what he thought, the man and brought him to his house. He needed to patch him up. 

Arriving home the devil put Peter on his couch and started to grab bandages and all. 

Foggy... Foggy... Foggy... His phone started to buzz. The devil sighed before picking up. 

"Hey Foggy, kinda busy right now."

"Hi Matt, figured, you doing okay with that guy?"

"Wait, how do you know?"

"Saw you walking with Spider-Man in your arms. Needed to know if everything was okay."

"I'm fine, this guy not so. He was stabbed by a ninja's sword. I'm patching him up right now."

"Okay, need anything?"


"Okay, call me later." And Foggy hung up. Matt finished cleaning and wrapping the wound. 

Matt went to take a shower as Spider-Man was still out. 

Peter groaned when he woke up, feeling himself laying on something soft made him wonder if it all was a dream. But when the pain hit him he knew it wasn't. Where was he then? He opened his eyes and started to look around. Seeing an apartment he did not recognise. And he also did not see anyone, he did hear a shower. Maybe the devil person took me? 

Matt walked out of the bathroom with some sweatpants on, all Peter could do was stare at him. 

"Matt?!" Peter said surprised. He did not expect to see his former lawyer. 

"Wait, you know me?" Matt said, also surprised. 

"Yes, you helped m..." Not finishing his sentence since it did not happen anymore. Peter looked around more, seeing the devil costume on the ground. "Hold up, you're the guy I fought with. How you're blind?" Matt started to get suspicious. 

"Who are you? You know me so I would like to know who I'm dealing with." Peter took off his mask, not saying anything before realising Matt couldn't see him. 

"I'm Peter, Parker."

"So, Peter, what were you doing here?"

"I got... uhh... distracted so I swung here without paying attention. Saw you fighting and thought you could use some help." He explained. He tried to sit up but damm that hurts, Peter grunted in pain. 

"Careful. Thought you said you had speed healing." Matt said as he could still smell fresh blood coming from the wound. 


"Then why are you not healing?"

"I don't know..." That's a lie.

"I know you're lying. You need to tell me so I can help you." But Peter did not want to tell Matt, telling someone was making all of his struggles real. And he did not want it all to be real. Without even realising Peter started to cry. Making Matt worried. Hearing how fast Peter's heart was beating was not good. Matt crouched down and put a hand on Peter's shoulder. 

"Hey, you can tell me. It can help to tell someone. I know from experience." Peter looked at Matt through his teary eyes, noticing the unfocused eyes of Matt. So he's not faking being blind. 

"I- I'm just so exhausted. Everything in my life sucks, nothing goes right anymore and I honestly hate living like this. It's the worst I have ever experienced, and I've been through a lot. And the- and the exhaustion is messing with my powers which is very annoying and frustrating and I don't know what the fuck I should do!" Peter rambled out, still crying. Before Matt even could say something Peter started to talk again. "Sorry, I'm so sorry. You don't need to know all this. You don't want to hear this. Imma just leave." Peter started to stand up but almost immediately collapsed. Matt caught him luckily. 

"Hey, it's okay. I don't mind you telling me. You sound like you need to talk about this all. But that after a good night of sleep." Peter was leaning with most of his weight against Matt. 

"Okay- uhm... maybe." Peter's eyes were drooping, man what was he tired. 

"I will grab you a shirt to sleep in. And you can sleep in my room. The light from outside won't bother you there." Peter was to tired to go in discussion with Matt.

Matt lead Peter to his room and helped him with changing into a shirt. 

"Thanks... Matt" Peter said before falling asleep. 

Hello, so how are you doing? 

And do you want a part 2?

Byeeeeeeee :) 

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