The twins

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Peter and Paige are twins, they were 5 when their parents died, and they were taken by HYDRA. HYDRA was experimenting on them, so they got both spider powers and they could talk to each other without speaking. When they did an experiment on Peter, to get him more power, something went wrong. Instead of getting stronger, his heart went weaker. Peter had problems with long distance running, and if he does too much he passes out. When that happened, they were 8.
When they were 10 they went on their first mission. Their first mission was to kill some people from SHIELD, who were attacking a HYDRA base. That is where they first met the Avengers. Peter and Paige didn't know that they were called the Avengers, they just beat them.
When they were 12 they had killed more than 400 people.
When they were 14 They began to think about a plan to escape.

Peter and Paige are now 15 years.

(The italic parts is like Peter and Paige talk thru their minds)

"Питер, вы готовы? (Pete are you ready?)" Paige asks.
"Я в порядке. (Yeah, I'm fine.)"  

"Если вы говорите так, ладно, я слышу шаги, получить на вашем месте. Когда дверь открывается в атаку! (If you say so, okay I hear footsteps, get on your place. When the door opens attack!)"

"Да, Мисс! (Yes miss!)"

The door opens and Peter and Paige attack. After 10 minutes, they made it out of the building. They run as fast as they can. After a few minutes of running, Peter slows down. 

"Ты в порядке? (You ok?)" Paige asks.

"Да держать работает, я уже вижу высотное здание. (Yeah, keep running. I already see a tall building.)"

Peter doesn't feel good at all, he feels quite bad. But he doesn't want to want to worry Paige. When they are closer to the building, they stop running. 

"Башня Мстителей, которые являются Мстители? (Avengers tower, who are the Avengers?)" Peter asks out of breath.

"Я не знаю, но высотных зданий являются важными, так что я думаю, что они имеют важное значение. (I don't know, but tall buildings are important so I think they are important.)"

"Это правда (True)"

When they are near the building, Peter feels a bit light headed. Some warm liquid dripping out of his nose. He looks to Paige and Paige looks back with a worried face. Than Peter collapsed. Paige panicked a bit. She picked Peter up and began to run towards the building. When she was inside the building she began to scream for help.

"HELP, MY BROTHER. PLEASE HELP." She screams in a thick Russian accent. Some people looked with some confused faces.

Paige doesn't feel very well, maybe because she hasn't eaten anything the last week. 

"Help....Us," She said before passing out.


"Sir, there are two children passed out in the lobby, one of them is bleeding from his nose. Before the girl passed out she screamed for help in a thick accent." Even before FRIDAY could end her sentence, all the Avengers were already in the elevator.

When they are at the lobby, they see 2 kids lying on the floor with a few people around them.

"Bruce, get the medical wing ready for these two," Tony says to Bruce.
"Steve and Bucky, get these two to the medical wing as soon as possible but be careful with the boy, I don't know why he is bleeding from his nose."

~~POV Paige.~~

I woke up from some kind of beeping noise. It is kind of annoying. When I open my eyes, I immediately close them because of the bright light. I carefully open my eyes again. When I realise what happened, I panicked a little. I don't see Peter. Where is Peter?! 

" Питер ты в порядке? (Peter are you okay?)" I don't get any response.

When I look around I see someone in the corner looking at me, a woman with red hair. 

"где мой брат? (Where is my brother?)" I say.

"Он находится в другой комнате. Ты кто? (He is in another room. Who are you?)" She says.

"Мы бежали от ГИДРЫ. Мы пришли сюда для справки. Вы можете знать нас как зимой пауков. (We escaped from HYDRA. We came here for help. You may know us as the winter spiders.)" 

She nodded.

"Мой брат, он нуждается в помощи. Его сердце... (My brother, he needs help. His heart....)" I say

"Мы выяснили, когда вы были он был в хирургии. Они сделали что-то для него, так что теперь его сердце сильна, как ваше сердце. (We found out, when you were out he was in surgery. They made something for him so his heart is now as strong as your heart.)"

"Может я его вижу? (May I see him?)" I ask.

"BRUCE" She yelled. The sudden loudness scared me.
A man walked into the room. And looked with a questioning face. 
"She wants to see her brother."

"After she ate something, she can see him. He wakes up in 10 minutes, I guess."

He walked away and came back a few seconds later with a plate with food. He gave the plate to me and I started eating. It was bread with something I don't know. But it's nice.

"Как вас зовут? (What is your name?)" She asks.

"Paige. Ваш? (Yours?) 


I nodded.

Then she walked towards me. I was a little scared because I didn't know what she was going to do. Natasha got my IV out of my arm an led me to Peter. When I see him, I run straight to him. He isn't awake yet but I can feel that we will wake up soon. A few seconds later, Peter opened his eyes. He looked confused but when he saw Paige, he relaxed. 

"Что случилось? (What happened?)" He asks.

"Когда мы прибыли в здание, которое вы рухнула, эти люди помогли нам. Мы можем доверять им. (When we arrived at the building you collapsed, these people helped us. We can trust them.)


"Good, you're awake. Can you guys now explain who you are and why you are here?" Tony says.

"We are Paige and Peter, we were kidnapped by HYDRA when we were 5. They experimented on us. One time it went wrong, that is why Peter has a weak heart." Paige says in a thick Russian accent. Peter nods in agreement. Than Peter realises something is on his chest. 

" Что случилось с моей груди? (What happened to my chest?") He asks.

"What did he say?" Steve asks.

"What happened to my chest?" Peter says, this time in English with also a thick accent.

"We made something for your heart. Your heart is now as strong as it used to be." Bruce says.

"Thank you."

Part 2???

Words: 1130

Okay, this was a long chapter. I hope you guys like it!


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