I know I'd never do any of that to an innocent person for fun. But to a bad person? No hesitation. Full retribution mode.

Aw man.

Maybe he is right.

Right about everything: me being a psycho, a reckless monster, and a villain.

I frown and finish up my cereal.

The idea hurt. I didn't want any of it to be true. And the way he yelled at me didn't help either. I hate when people yell at me.

And what confused me most was that Donatello would call me evil since the first day I met him. So why did it bother me so much now?

Before I could drown further in my sadden thoughts, I stop myself.

I stand up and put away my bowl. I better start to get ready for work. Big Mama was expecting that last minute weapon I designed for her Battle Nexus.

At least I'll have that to distract me.


Today there is the art fair. I usually go every year! That'll be a great distraction as well. I'll totally go after I get off from work. Hopefully that'll lift my spirits up.



"April, I'm telling you he's been in there for days!" Leo complains, "He won't come out and we don't know why."

"And you're sure you have absolutely no idea why?" April asks.

Leo holds up his finger to tell April to wait. He then bangs on Donnie's lab.

"DONNNIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Leo screams while banging on the door.

April pushes him outta the way, "Cut that shit out."

"No you see— usually when I do that when he's mad at me, he tells me to go away through a speaker. But he hasn't said anything! If he's mad at us, he always lets us know!" Leo says, "Also I should mention that I heard him blasting sad dubstep for 2 hours..."

"That's odd..." April says, "And you're sure that he's in there now?"

"Yeah!" Mikey says while balancing upside down on a skateboard, "I saw him go in crying the other day and he hasn't left since."

Leo snaps his head around, "What? You didn't mention anything about him crying."

"You didn't ask." Mikey says.

"MIKEY!" Leo yells frustrated.

April rolls her eyes, "At least now we know for sure it wasn't one of you..."

April walks over to the lab door and knocks, "Donnie? Are you in there?"

No answer.

"Okay, someone get Raph to bust down the door."

"He's out doing hero stuff..." Leo says, "And can you believe that he tried to drag me along with him? As if I'm supposed to be a responsible leader like him!"

April sighs, "Fine, I guess Donnie is staying locked up in there until further notice..."


The lab door swings open and Donnie stands there tiredly.

"Sike." Mikey says. Leo wishes he thought of that.

Donnie stares at his little brother annoyed and goes to close the door again but April stops him.

"Hey D, what's going on?"

Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT Donnie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now