"She covered the cameras" I said my sightless gaze trained out the window.

"I don't think she liked us watching her" Anakin said a smirk growing on his face. "She programmed R2 to alert us if there was danger" Anakin followed up.

My senses screamed at me something was wrong.

"Do you feel that?" I asked my gaze breaking away from the window.

"I sense it too" Obi Wan says as all three of us run towards Padmés chambers.

Anakin cuts the Kouhun in half and my senses turn towards the window. Without thinking I dive through the window and grab onto the droid that let the arthropods in. I immediately begin to regret my decision as I sense how long the drop would be.

"Kriff" I mutter holding on as tight as I can.

Anakins POV

"Is she insane!" I yelled as Obi Wan and I ran out of the apartment building stealing the first speeder I could see.

"She might be" Obi Wan sighed not looking forward to my driving. "You know I hate your driving, you drive like a maniac" he said bracing himself for my reckless driving. I sped off using the force to sense where Anala was. I picked up on her force signature and I drove as quickly as possible weaving in and out of traffic. My heart was in my throat when I spotted her dangling from the droid her long brown waves cascading down her back. As I got closer to her suddenly the droid exploded causing Anala to start free falling.

"Kriff, brace yourself Master!" I shouted turning the speeder into a nose dive.

I sped as fast as I could past her and pulled up to make it level. I heard a thump in the back of the speeder and a groan from the blind girl.

"Couldn't have made it any softer of a landing?" She grunted rubbing her head.

"Its not my fault you decided to jump out of a window onto a droid and fly through Coruscant." I snapped back annoyance in my voice.

I could practically feel her rolling her eyes.

"Follow that speeder" she snapped pointing a delicate finger towards a green speeder.

Anala's POV


nakin began to follow the bounty hunters speeder and then suddenly took a turn in the opposite direction of the bounty hunter.

"Anakin where are you going, they're going that way." Obi Wan pointed exasperatedly.

"Don't worry its a short cut... I hope" Anakin muttered under his breath. My heightened senses allowed me to hear his comment so I slapped him upside the head.

"You hope??" I growled. "We were in pursuit of them and you HOPE this is a short cut? Who let you be the driver?" I ranted disbelief lacing my voice.

Anakin rubbed the back of his head. "Would you relax! It's a short cut.. I can feel it". He said confidence pooling into his attitude.

"It better be Anakin" Obi Wan said with a raised eyebrow.

As we came into the clearing Obi Wan and Anakin began arguing about how she's not there. I remained silent, reaching out through the force. I slapped Obi Wan and Anakin upside the head and pointed in the direction of her speeder.

"Children, children she's right there. Follow her" I said sarcasm dripping from my lips.

Obi Wan and Anakin both rubbed the back of their heads as Anakin began the pursuit again. As we approached the speeder Anakin began to stand Obi Wan immediately grabbing the controls. Anakin leapt from our speeder onto the bounty hunters.

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