Chapter 9

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"Luz, wait!" Eda called out as Luz ran out of the kitchen and turned down the hall. Amity watched her leave, then looked back up to the gray-haired woman as Eda sighed before turning toward her. "Boots, come down to the shop in the morning, and I'll look at that collar. Or I can do it now, your call." The pale girl was stunned by what had just happened and couldn't think of an answer. Eda gave her a smile, "You can just go to bed if you want. It's not a problem."

Amity stood abruptly; her hands clutched together in front of her chest in concern. Her eyes flicked between the two women, and she mouthed, I'm sorry she fought with you because of me.

Eda waved a hand, "Ah, don't be, kid. I know why she got so upset." She leaned forward, cocking an eyebrow at Camila before lowering her voice conspiratorially, "If ya wanna know the truth... she's right... and I'm right." She made a frustrated clicking noise with her teeth, "I had my reasons for how I handled things, and she doesn't have to like them... but things had to be done that way." The gray-haired woman paused, then looked at the pale girl, "I'm sorry if I hurt you with anything I said."

You didn't... you... you were right.

"Good. See ya in the morning." Eda waved goodnight and stood to walk out of the kitchen, but paused when Amity held up her hand, catching her attention.

Thank you, the pale girl clasped her hands together again, wringing her fingers, for helping me get away.

"Even if Raine hadn't been involved, I would have helped once I heard about you," Eda said, setting her hand gently on Amity's shoulder. "You did nothing to deserve what happened to you. It wasn't right." She lightly squeezed her fingers, "We'll do our best to keep you safe." Eda turned to walk away and called out, "I'm gonna watch the news and see if they've launched an investigation into you two, yet!" and shot her a pair of finger guns as she left the room.

Amity turned to Camila, who had stood up with Eda, and the older woman gave her a caring smile. Amity dipped her head for a moment before scrunching her eyebrows and nodding, then she leaned up to the woman's ear and whispered, "Thank you so much for the soup. It was delicious." Just as quickly as she leaned in, she pulled away, uncertain how the woman would respond, if she would want her in her personal space.

Camila chuckled quietly, "You're welcome, querida." She watched Amity stand there, her head lowered and her fisted fingers clenching, then asked, "Would you like a hug before you go, Amity?" The girl looked up at her with such big, shining eyes; Camila held her arms out and the girl launched herself forward. They stood there until Amity began to pull away, and the woman let her go. "Sleep well, querida. Come find me if you need anything." Amity gave her a small, shy nod. "Luz's room is at the end of the hall," Camila pointed, and Amity waved as she left the kitchen.


Luz sat on the edge of her bed, staring down at her hands. Her mind was racing, her blood pounding, and the tears would not stop leaking from her eyes. She could see the logic behind Eda's actions, she really could! But it still felt like a betrayal of some kind. She's right, I would have messed it up. And that same, yawning, sickening fear she'd felt earlier that evening at Odalia's threat had come rushing back while her stepmom was explaining things. She palmed at her face again, sniffing, then wiped at her eyes one more time. A hesitant knock sounded at her door, and she called, "Come in." Amity stepped into the room, quietly, looking around for a moment as she turned to shut the door behind her, then she stood there, looking at Luz. The brown-haired girl tried to laugh, but it came out sounding closer to a sob. "Hey, sorry for leaving you in there, that... that wasn't cool," She sniffed, wiping at her face again, "And sorry for the yelling, too. It just... it hit me, just then, I guess." She looked down at her hands again. Amity padded over to stand directly in front of her, pushing in between her knees, then held her hands out palms up. Luz gently grasped them, running her thumbs along the lines and ridges of Amity's fingers as she confided, "What Eda said made me realize how close it all was, y'know? I almost lost you today."

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