Chapter 28: "New wounds"

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Denki stayed more to himself the rest of the day on Saturday. Thinking they all just needed time to adjust themselves. And possibly they'd be better in the morning and not so quick to push him away.

He saw them occasionally around the house. He didn't stay in his room because he thought that would be depressing. So he wandered around and ran into them every few hours. But each encounter was the same.

Hikaru and Mr Arashi were the most hostile with Hikaru more extreme. Mr Arashi would glare and gruff. Occasionally saying some sly passive aggressive comment denki didn't understand. While Hikaru full on screamed at him and kicked him out of any room they encountered in. Yelling, "GET OUT OF HERE, IMPOSTER!!!" and throwing whatever he could reach at him. Denki couldn't even get a word in. And not wanting to step on more toes, he left without a fight.

"Just give them time..." he kept telling himself over and over. But it honestly didn't make him feel any better...

Denki noticed how Faina was always with Chikara. Chikara would spot denki in the room, grab Faina and quickly exit the room like she was afraid of him. Faina looked confused and scared everytime it happened too. She was nice and even fought Chikara about leaving a couple of times. But those debates were quickly shut down.

Denki roamed the halls again, finally getting some familiarized with the halls. The house was more of a maze on the first two floors versus the last 2. The last two floors were shockingly not finnished. Some of it still in the construction faze and others in finished phases. Like was still unfinished. Making denki question how long they have lived here and if they just moved in.He noticed how none of the rooms seemed all that packed with stuff either. Most rooms were baren with little to nothing inside it. Further convincing denki they just moved in.

In the end denki got bored and was still feeling like he was stepping on toes so he ended up going to his room anyway. He didn't want to be on his phone at the moment and decided to draw instead.

He subconsciously made a family portrait of the Arashi family. He debated putting himself in there but decided against it. Too soon even though he wanted it. He just made portraits of them and made notes about them and what he knew so far about them on the back. Like a diary entry. He wrote about their behaviors when first meeting them. And his hopes about them. He tried desperately to make it more positive than it was but what can ya do in this situation?

He just hoped dinner would be better...

Denki walked nervously through the halls back to the dinning room/living room he was in before. He was a lot more nervous than when he came and his stomach was giving him very sharp pains every now and than. He just had this gut feeling something was going to go terribly wrong and debated on weither or not to actually go to dinner. Maybe he should just call in sick...

"I told you they dont trust you." Kaminari said through the reflection of the mirror nearby. Denki stopped and faced him sincerely.

"What if something goes wrong again?" Denki asked. "I dont want to be a problem..."

"We were always a problem, Denki. No matter how young or nieve. You just got to own it like i do." Kaminari said proudly.

"Your idea of–'owning it'–is a different interpretation than mine." Denki pointed out.

Kaminari shrugged smugly and grinned at denki. "Go show them who the real denki is than. If they reject you, better sooner than later. If they don't, than it's still a win i suppose."

Denki rolled his eyes at Kaminari. "I need some Tylenol." He said. He walked away from Kaminari, ending their conversation.

Kaminari smirked as he watched denki walk away. He than walked out of the mirror, shattering it in the process, and walked down the hall. He faded as he walked and soon was nothing but air. The only evidence of him being the glass shards on the floor.

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