Chapter 23: "Denkis parents"

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When denki came too, he was in an interrogation room with his hands cuffed behind his back and around the chair. Denki tryed getting his hands released but with no luck. He decided to just sit and wait for someone.

In that time denki remembered how he slammed his head so hard into the wall it creaked when he first was in an interrogation room. In a way he was amazed he didn't have any pain on the back of his head from that.

He started to worry about toga and if she was alright... he played it cool though.

After a while Aizawa, nezu, and Benjamin came in.

"Sorry about the wait Denki. Mind telling us what happened?" Aizawa asked.

"About what?" Denki asked.

"Toga. You went into the girls bathroom and came out 4 hours later with a very upset Toga. What happened and what did you do?" Benjamin asked harshly. Aizawa shot him a glare.

"Uh.." denki started.

Wait, what if she doesn't wanna talk about it yet? Do they know? I dont think its my place... uh.... what should i say?!

"She just had a meltdown thats all. I had a hunch about her being near there because she hasn't been feeling all that great as of late. So i went there to see if she was there. And she was and she wasn't feeling good enough to get up yet so i just stayed with her and held her hair up so she wouldn't puke on her hair and stuff. I also kept getting her water and stuff and she was upset and i just was taking care of her in there. I didn't wanna leave her alone ya know? Than i took her to her room and she atlast fell asleep. Than i went to check on Eri quickly cause i didn't know where she was and she was napping and then you guys came and nocked me out. Thanks by the way." Denki quickly said.

"No problem." Benjamin snarked.

"Okay. Thank you denki. I'll send recovery girl to give her a check up. Nezu. You can take him home." Aizawa stated.

Nezu nodded and gestured for denki to come. Denki rose the cuffs and Aizawa undid them. Than denki followed with a chuckle.

Nezu and denki got in the limo and they quickly left. It was dark now and it was obvious Nezu was very tired.

"I want you to stay in your room tonight denki. You're not in trouble or anything i just have somethings to take care off." Nezu said. Denki nodded.

"I'm sorry about all of this..." nezu said with a sigh. "I wish i could give you more opportunities now rather than later..."

"Nezu I've had more opportunities now than i ever had in my whole life. I couldn't be more grateful for what you have done for me and my friends." Denki consulted.

Nezu gave a sad smile. "And i hope i can keep doing it." Nezu got lost in his own thoughts and his smile dropped.

"What is it?" Denki asked after a minute.

Nezu stayed quiet for a long moment...

"We found your parents Denki." He finally said.

Denki didn't know how to prosses that.

"What?" Denki asked.

"We found your parents. And they are... not what anyone expected actually..." nezu pulled out his ipad and denki scootched closer to him to see what was on it.

It made his eyes widen with wonder and amazment of the mystery faces infront of him that matched his.

The first picture was of a woman with blonde hair like denkis and a black zigzag in her hair like denkis. She had red eyes that matched Kaminaris but with a softer look to them. A kind look. They reminded denki of stars.

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