Thirty-One: She is Free

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Zoe's body feels leaden, sadness tearing at her chest. She incessantly rubs her swollen eyes as they wait at the bus stop near Don Quijote. She promised herself she wouldn't cry, but she missed Jesse and Marie the second they departed the lodge. And in a couple of days, she and Kaito will also say goodbye to Naoki and Taylor. To the land of the rising sun.

Despair clouds Kaito's features as well. He has treated Japan as his second home, after all. Besides, Nanako is going to stay there, and it's the place where he met the love of his life. Tokyo will eternally mean something to him.

But all things—either good or bad—must come to an end, for time is forever in motion. The world goes on, just as the sun sets and rises as the earthly forces demand every single day.

And good things ending may also lead to wonderful beginnings, doesn't it?

"Moving on doesn't mean forgetting."

Zoe glimpses at Kaito. "Hm?"

The bus halts, and the folding doors open; several passengers climb aboard. Before Zoe can get on, Kaito seizes her elbow.

"Do you want to take a walk instead?"

Her eyes brighten, then she nods eagerly. "I'd love to."

With their fingers entwined, they saunter away from the bus stop, dodging commuters and people loitering in the area. Kaito stalls when they reach the intersection, and the lights ding, indicating they may cross. Zoe tilts her head.


"Sorry, I just remembered the first day I saw you in Kichijoji station." He grins, breaths slowing down. "Have I ever told you I'm so glad we both live in Mitaka?"

She pouts, cheeks flushed. "That was embarrassing. Why would you remember that?"

"Because I followed you until you reached this exact intersection. I watched you, Zoe. You stood across from me, and you didn't move when I walked past you. I couldn't resist looking back. My instinct compelled me to check and make sure you knew what you were doing. Then I saw you dragging your suitcase back to where you came from, and you seemed like you were about to cry. I couldn't just leave you there. I had to step in."

The lights turn red.

"I often wondered if you regretted that, Kaito. I really felt like I burdened you."

"I didn't. Never. It was me who offered help. So you weren't a burden." Kaito kisses her knuckle. "It was a decision I made in a split second, but it was what changed my life."

Heat expands in her chest. The choice he made both changed their lives, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

He looks around. "Let's not cross. Come on."

Zoe follows Kaito, and they walk side by side, giving enough space on the sidewalk for cyclists. They arrive at Inokashira Park.

"The hanami was fun," Zoe says quietly, visions of the cherry blossom trees flashing in her mind.

"It was. It was beautiful."

Zoe quizzes, "Um, Kaito, I wasn't sure, but were you... Were you avoiding me that day?"

He scratches his temple, uncertain whether to feel amused or flustered that she noticed. "Kinda."

"I knew it! Why? What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, Zoe," he confesses, wincing. "I was just confused because I think I was developing a crush on you, and back then, you were with Seth."

Zoe chuckles. "I see."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I get it," she replies. "I didn't want us to start on the wrong foot, too."

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