"I will fcking murder you if something happened to her!!!", he yelled at the doctor but the doctor didn't pay heed, immediately rushing for the unconscious y/n.

He must've taken that as a sentence said by an anxious boyfriend for his girlfriend yet he didn't know that, jin literally meant what he said.

Impatiently marching outside the room, Jin immediately rushed towards the doctor when watching him walk outside the room.

"How is she?", he impatiently asked.

"She is not fine......"

The doctor couldn't complete his sentence as jin pushed him to the wall by a hold on his throat. His blood red eyes throwing daggers at the trembling doctor.

It was indeed not Jin's style. He was not the kind of person to act harshly in front of everyone. He cared about his public image a lot.

But today was not one of the days. Today he couldn't care less about anything unnecessary like 'image'.

"I told you that I will murder you! It seems like your life isn't that dear to you anymore!", Jin seethed with a tone lacing pure rage and ferocity.

"D-Don't panic sir! She is not doing that bad! It's j-ust that she is a bit too weak already and n-now she lost blood too. So she might just need a lot of rest and care for the time. N-othing more.", the doctor tried to convince him with his fear filled quivering voice.

"T-The cut wasn't deep. I guess she fainted because she was already very w-eak.", he explained further gulping hard.

"Hmm.", jin finally left his throat and backed away.

The doctor hungrily inhaled, stumbling as far away from Jin as possible.

"I'm w-writing the medicines and I've already got her the drip. I'll be leaving now. Just t-take good care of her.", placing the prescription on the table, the doctor made a run out of the house.

Taking a deep breath Jin's gaze now fell on the room door. Opening the wooden door, he came across her unconscious figure.

Crouching down in front of her, he held the hand attached to the IV drip, before pulling it closer to his lips.

His thumb tenderly caressed the soft skin of her hands, with eyes anxiously bouncing between her features.

How, why and when did this one human become so important to him.... he doesn't know.

But there's one thing he knows.

He would've burnt the entire world to ashes if anything happened to her today.

Placing his head at the bed next to her sleeping figure, still holding her hand, he closed his eyes. Exhaustion consuming him to dark.



Head flat at the club counter, his eyes were closed and body unmoving.

People partying on the fullest swing passed him judging gazes. His disheveled appearance was nowhere near the luxury and extravagance of the place.

An attractive young man with silver hair and purple highlights now entered the club grabbing everyone's attention. His black and white formal wear and diamond studded watch was already speaking for his wealth and to add to that he carried the aura which clearly declared his power and sway.

Walking nearer the tipsy unconscious guy, he titled his head and raised a brow in puzzlement.

Taking a deep sigh, he tapped the shoulder of the guy beneath.

The raven haired eventually lifted his head and looked at the young guy with his partially opened eyes.

"Jimin?", he said and stood up from his place, hugging the guy tightly.

Jimin slowly pushed him away and looked at him with his narrowed eyes.

"Why are you looking like this jungkook?", Jimin asked looking at the tousled drunk jungkook.

Indeed an alcoholic but Jungkook never looked like this ever before.

He cares a lot about his image as he is one the most powerful and well-known personalities in the country. And he is definitely not humble to any of that.

He likes when people follow him. And he wants them to get the best shots of his handsome face and muscular body.

But now when Jimin's eyes scanned his figure, he found nothing in him like his usual self.

His messy hair, puffy eyes, dry chapped lips and pale and malnourished appearance made the elder worried.

"Jungkook?", Jimin patted on Jungkook's face to get him back to his conscious.

"Y-Yes.", jungkook slightly opened his eyes but Jimin shook his head in disbelief.

Taking a seat next to him, Jimin looked at him with a questioning face.

"What happened?", Jimin again asked and jungkook slowly lifted his head, looking at him with his red swollen eyes.

"Hyung a-asked me to k-kill her.", jungkook hiccuped like a kid making Jimin frown in confusion.


Jungkook's gaze landed on his lap, unable to maintain the eye contact anymore as shame consumed him.

"Y/n.", jungkook's voice cracked.

Jimin's eyes widened hearing the familiar name after such a long time.

"Don't tell me it's the y/n we know!", Jimin panicked.

Jungkook slowly looked up at him and nodded his head in assertion.

"She is."


Author's rant:

There's past connecting Jungkook and yn.

What do you think he was to her?

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