Chapter Ten

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"Dani? Dani? Can I come in?"

Sam continues to tap on the door as I sit on the floor against my bed. I cry into my hands unable to remove myself from the floor to tell Sam to fuck off.

The door creaks open and I hear Sam shuffle in before I feel the bed shift. Sam sits on the bed beside me in silence and rests her hand on my shoulder. I head the gentle sobs escape her lips before she slides down to the floor beside me. I turn quickly concerned for her injured leg but she doesn't seem bothered.

"Dani, I'm sorry for not speaking to you about Bodhi and decisions I've made regarding him. I was not being considerate of your feelings and valuing your opinion. I was selfish and being a knob. And I think partially because I'm angry at you. I'm so god damn angry at you Dani!"

I feel her body convulsing beside me as she cries uncontrollably. I'm in a state of disbelief as I've never heard Sam cry like this. I reach across and take her hand in mine and I kiss her knuckles this time.

"Sam I can't tell you how much I regret everything I've done. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. This family was everything I've ever needed."

I stare at the blue eyes across from me and I feel my heart sink seeing the pain I've put her through and how she's given up everything to be with me.

"Did you sleep with her? Are you still sleeping with her?"

Sam's words take me by surprise. And I feel my face burn with embarrassment. I break our eye contact knowing I can't keep looking at her so intimately after cheating on her. Sam stays silent but nods her head and looks forward breaking any contact.

"You know I really thought we were going to last forever."

I wipe my tears and look across at Sam who turns to look at me again.

"Why did you do it D?"

Her question flashes across my mind over and over. Why. That was the crucial question. I begin to consider the question and try to determine an answer but its impossible. I don't know why I slept with Sloane.

"I don't know Sam. That's the truth. She made me feel wanted even after I fucked up and in that moment I felt old feelings come back and like a dick I went with it."

Sam muffled a laugh beside me and I glared at her. She was definitely trying to lighten the mood.

"You are a dick!"

Sam bumps my shoulder and makes me chuckle as she reaches across placing an arm around my shoulder pulling me close to her. I rest my head on Sam's shoulder and sit in silence with her. I relish the perfect moment together feeling the gravitational connection growing again.


My phone vibrates over and over. I moan into the warm embrace beside me covering my face with the covers. I hear the sheets rustle before a voice catches my attention.

"Sloane wants to know what time she's picking you up for a date tonight."

I rip the sheets down and see Sam's sad blue eyes holding my phone out to me. Guilt visible on her face as I reach out my hand.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to look. And I'm sorry for this. I shouldn't have stayed. We don't want to confuse Bodhi."

My silence must speak volumes to Sam who struggles out of the room on her crutches. She hovers briefly at the door before glancing back at me as I continue sitting in the bed confused at how everything keeps changing so quickly.

"I can watch Bodhi tonight. We were planning on going to the movies anyway. Go have fun with your wife."

Sam physically cringes at the last word and leaves the room before I can say a single thing. I muffle a scream into my pillow before flopping back on the body limbs fling in frustration. What the hell just happened?

Sam and I spent the night talking about everything and ended up cuddling together the entire night. I realised that it was the first time since before the accident that I felt safe. Sam promised to look after Bodhi and I indefinitely which I felt a relief as I was struggling with losing my job as a social worker due to my addiction. Being around Sloane made me reckless to the point I didn't consider absolutely none of the consequences.

I looked down at my phone and I suddenly don't feel the want to go on a date anymore but instead I want to go see a movie.

I ignore the calls and messages from Sloane throughout the morning as I decide to make my two footballers some pancakes, our favourite. I call them both as soon as breakfast is ready and I watch Bodhi race into the kitchen in his freshly ironed uniform and Jordans that Sam got him as a present on her last business trip.

Sam follows Bodhi in slowly in a pair of navy check trousers and a light blue shirt with white trainers. I instantly feel a flutter between my legs at how sexy she looks as she struggles with the brace on her leg. I look over at her brown hair that is naturally wavy with flecks of blonde through it. I can't deny how beautiful my ex is.

"You guys look amazing. Big day?"

I try to sound cheerful as I watch them both feeling a pang of sadness hit me.

"I had to help muma get dressed like a big boy does."

Bodhi gives a toothless grin and a can't hide the giggles as Sam glares across at Bodhi who's oblivious to any wrong doing. I hand Sam a cup of coffee which she gratefully accepts before digging into her pancakes. Thankfully Bodhi keeps conversation buzzing as he gives us facts of his volcano and Sam and I test him on it.

I help Bodhi into his seat in the town car that Sam has with a driver while she's injured and her Aston Martin is out of action. I help Sam get her bag in the car before saying goodbye to Bodhi. Sam lingers by the door and I can see she wants to say something out of earshot from Bodhi.

"Have a good time tonight. We will see you tomorrow morning, Bodhi has a football game if you want to join."

Sam smiles before walking out the door and the blue eyes flash before me. I knew I was head over heels for Sam and nothing would ever waver that. But Sloane was my first love, my wife and she was as addictive as a drug.

I waved them off and then returned inside and slumped against the door feeling confused and worried, not wanting to hurt anyone in this situation. A loud knock on the door causes my heart to almost leap out of chest as I climb to my feet and pull open the front door....

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