Chapter Two

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After having Bodhi I thought my life was complete and I would never need another person again in my life. I had only ever had two serious relationships in my life, one a man and the other a woman so I was completely confused as my track record showed. Cody had been my childhood sweetheart and we grew up with each other until he got arrested for drugs and crimes he commited while under the influence. While I loved Cody, I can never say I felt safe or truly loved with him as drugs and alcohol were our biggest loves during this time. Then I was saved, Sloane gave up a lot of her freedom and life for me without ever expecting anything back from me. She truly loved and cared for me and I knew it every second or everyday as she reminded me. I consistently thought of Sloane as time moved on even when I had Bodhi and for some time, I tried to stay updated on what was happening with her by talking to the Falcon Platoon's wives and partners while she moved from Iran to Iraq. I never truly could let go and would always be connected with her due to our marriage that was initially arranged to get my sober. The eventual downfall to our relationship was the impact of Sloane PTSD and her running away from everything. Her constant abandonment of me caused a relapse but finding out I was pregnant was my true motivation to pull myself from the ashes.

Meeting Sam was different to everything I experienced before. She was smart, funny, witty and had a sexy English accent which helped. We met when I was in my second year of university on a scholarship with a one year old and living in a small studio apartment that just about fit a bed, cot and table. Our university exoeriences were drastically different as I was a struggling single mom living off benefits and barely making ends meet while Sam was over from the UK on scholarship to play football for the same university. She lived in student accomadation and was the popular, party girl when it came to anything happening on campus. We met when I was at a football match with some mutual friends during one of her games and we were introduced to each other. Sam at the age of 23 with a bright future just looked right past the stroller I was pushing and ignored the fact I was a 21 year old with a one year old kid. From that day, I knew Sam was different as she engaged with my son and played with him while the others were getting drunk and partying celebrating the teams win. She even walked me home that night and waited while I put Brodhi to bed before sitting up all night talking. I loved most of all how easy it was with Sam and how we formed a solid friendship before she ever made a move. Jump forward four years and we are both excelling in our careers, bought our dream home, engaged and planning another child.

The first two weeks of the new job and school fly by for Brodhi and me. We both seem to be settling in great and I begin to see a shift in Sam and her attitude and behaviour with Brodhi. Since moving in only six months ago she had been travelling a lot for her career as a professional footballer and therefore, didn't have a very close bond with Brodhi however over the past two weeks they have grown closer and closer. Sam has even convinced him to play football with her all the time now. I watch as Sam kicks the ball to Brodhi and he falls over it and instantly Sam runs to his side attentively.

"Don't worry B! Don't worry. Just have to get you some boots mate. Now let's practice that kick again eh?"

I feel my heart is about to explode and I can't take anymore when Brodhi gets to his feet and hugs Sam tightly.

"Yes muma, I will work on it."

With the Brodhi races down our huge garden kicking the ball as best he can towards the goalposts Sam had installed when we bought the house. I watch Sam continue to kneel on the ground as she watches Brodhi run towards the goal. I walk out and a place a hand on her shoulder already aware of what is going on.

"He has always loved you Sam and I hope this shows you exactly how he sees you."

Sam places her hand on her shoulder covering mine and then stands. She looks at me and smiles with tears streaming down her cheeks. She can't her pride and honour as I know that she has always loved Brodhi like her own since he was only a year old. She is about to respond to me when a scream comes from the bottom of the garden.

"YYYEEESSS!!! I put the ball in there!"

Brodhi jumps up and down as he points to the ball in the net. Sam instantly begins to cheer and leap into the air as she runs down to Brodhi and swings him in the air and they both laugh. My mind races as I think about how perfect my laugh is when my phone begins to vibrate in my pocket and I see my old friend Rosies number whom I hadn't talk to in a few years since I moved away. I know immediately what this call will be concerning before I answer.

Dani: Hello?

Rosie: Hello? Dani it's me Rosie from Roxdale.

Dani: Hey Rosie, oh my god it's been so long. How are you? How are all  the ladies?

There is a brief pause on the phone that causes me to begin to panic.  

Rosie: We are all amazing happy that the platoon returned last night with no casualties. So everyone is all loved up and enjoying having their partners home. I had a little visitor too so it felt nice actually being a part of it for the first time in a long time.

I begin to process Rosie's words and what she is implying but blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

Dani: Aww that is amazing!! Wait, wait, wait. Rosie are you telling me you have met someone?! I am thrilled for you when do I get to meet the lucky guy eh?

Rosie: You really are crazy! No I have not met someone just hellping out someone who has no accomadation on base anymore. But that is why I wanted to cal you anyw -

Dani: I am more than willing to take some soldiers in but we live over an hour away now. Is that feasible?

Rosie: No no I am not talking about that D. I just wanted to let you know about who is here with me in case you want to visit. I know you have moved on but there still has not been any closure.

There is a long pause as I process the news and take in what she is saying. I know exactly who she is talking about before the words even leave her mouth. My mind races and memories flood in of her and our marriage. I see the glint of my diamond engagement ring and many feelings of guilt, regret and confusion begin to creep in to my subconcious. My thoughts switch to Sam and how loved and protected she has made Brodhi and I feel ever since he was a year old. She has been the only parent he has ever known besides me. Even though I had often imagined Sloane being in Sam's position, right now I feel that the most important thing is my son and the family we have built with Sam. Brodhi is the centre of my whole world and I know that I need to make sure that is how it will always remain. I slowly take a breath as Rosie says who is staying with her and I am forced to deal with those feelings and the love that I previously and potentially still feel for Sloane.

Rosie: Sloane. Sloane Williamson Dani. She's come back to Roxdale and is set on finding you.

Dani: Oh - uh - tha - that's - lovely. Whe - when did she return? Looking for me? Why? We are completely finished and have been for five plus years.

I can't help but stumble over my words as Rosie words process in my head - Sloane is looking for me. What could that mean? Does she want to get back with me? Do I even want that? Do I owe her for saving me?

Rosie: D I can't tell you much as I don't know what she is thinking but I have seen her desperation and determination to find you.

Her words manage to take my breath away as I imagine the tall, muscular and tattooed woman in uniform searching me and pursuing me. I can't help but enjoy the thought of it. As my mind is imagining situations where Sloane and I are reunited and embraced, Brodhi runs into the house past me with Sam chasing after him laughing. I see my sons sweet innocent face as she captures him in her arms and tickles him leading to uncontrollable giggles from them both. My heart skips a beat as I realise the world I have created with Sam, the home, the family, the life and the love we have for each other and Brodhi. I feel guilt and I know that I need to closure with Sloane but I also need to inform Sam about what is going on and my former marriage but I fear her reaction...

My Lieutenant (Pt2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant