Chapter 3 : Good to see you

Start from the beginning

What do you want hyung?

Hello to you too.

Kun checked the caller ID, and realized it was an old friend. Nakamoto Yuta. He had called for backup basically, the hotel he was staying at was the same as the airport.

The hotel shouldn’t be far from Pohang airport, I’m on the fifth floor, room A5. My door has a hole in it.

How wise of you hyung.

Hey, it was the only solution I had, I couldn’t go back to the production department. You know, I call them Lurkers.

I understand, I will be there soon though.

Thank you. And it’s good to talk to you again.

Likewise, if those.. ‘Lurkers’ spread, we will probably be talking a lot more.

After driving for a few miles, Kun arrived at the hotel. He took off his coat and tie, feeling less heavy on his shoulders and grabbed the blood-stained suitcase from the backseat. He left the car and quickly walked towards the building then flinched when he heard a gunshot and he looked down to the sidewalk. There was a bullet. Kun looked around, before entering hotel, the blood splattered the walls and broken items decorated the ground. Fifth floor. He found the elevator, but it didn’t work, had the electricity gone out? He didn’t notice the lightbulbs weren’t on, it was still daylight and there were many windows. Broken windows. Kun jogged up the stairs, skipping two steps each jump until he made it to the fifth floor and walked down the hallway. He searched for a door with a hole in it, then found one and saw the plaque next to the door that read A5. The moment Kun opened the door and entered, he heard a scream from a few levels up.

When he turned his head to look at Yuta, he was enguled into a hug to his surprise. When he pulled away, he smiled at Kun brightly.

It’s so good to see you.

Uh, yea, same.

At least try to look like you missed me too.

Yuta rolled his eyes, taking the suitcase and plopping it onto the bed. He clicked the lock and opened it, revealing guns stacked on top of each other.

Which one do you think I should use? I want something small.

Like a pistol?

Yea sure.

Well, you can have this one. It’s a Beretta M9, semi-automatic.

Firing range?

Up to 100.

Can I have two?

Kun nodded, grabbing two of the pair and handed it to Yuta. He then took one for himself, a 44 Remington Magnum, then swung a shotgun over his shoulder. A benelli nova.

You look like a cowboy!

Shut up hyung. I heard a scream around three floors up, there could be a surviver.

Yuta nodded, then helped Kun grab the guns and stuff them in a gym bag, where thankfully all of them fit and Yuta hung it over his shoulder. They both ran out and up the stairs, hoping Kun's prediction was correct and they weren’t on the wrong floor and it wasn’t too late. Then they began to open each door, looking inside and trying to find where the scream had came from. It was until Kun gestured for Yuta to come, and they both slowly creeped in and Yuta saw a man on the ground. Where a Lurker was walking towards him. Kun told him to not make any sudden movements, he couldn’t help but to walk from their hiding spot and take out his gun. With the safety off, he aimed for the head and pulled the trigger. The man screamed again when he heard the gunshot, then backed up when the body fell near his feet. He panted heavily, staring up at the man and the other who was behind him who seemed annoyed.

Who are you?

Kun and Yuta looked at each other, Kun held his hand up to his neck and moving it left and right. It meant no. Yuta slowly turned to the man.

I’m Yuta!

Jesus christ.

Kun rolled his eyes.

He’s Kun.

The man stared at both of them, standing up and reached for the bat on the ground but Kun stopped him by aiming his gun at him.

No no! Kun stop.

Yuta grabbed his gun before placing it back in his hand, the man stared a them with his arm outstretched towards the bat, fear covering his face. When he received the okay signal, he grabbed it.

What’s your name?

Uh, ah.. I’m Taeyong. Hey, aren’t you that Japanese actor? Or, used to be..

Taeyong looked down at the corpse, his bat gently hitting its shoulder before stepping over it and towards the two men. He took Yuta's hand in his, closing his eyes as he held it close to his chest. His heart beating. His breath catching up.

Thank you so much.

Yuta relaxed, he somehow didn’t feel strange at all for him to be holding his hand. It was something his fans would do for him all the time, and he enjoyed it thoroughly. Yet, this hand hold was different compared to the kind he received from his fans.

Of.. of course.

Can we get a move on now? We should check this place out, I have a feeling we’re not alone.

Taeyong let go of Yuta's hand and nodded.

Yes, there must be more of them.

No, I wouldn’t doubt there are more Lurkers in the building, but someone tried to shoot me outside. I saw the bullet and the dent in the sidewalk, I couldn’t see anyone, but he could be on the roof. He or she could be trying to claim this place as his territory.


Taeyong softly questioned, to which Yuta nodded.

It’s what we call them.

I see.

Well, I suggest you put on something more presentable, I don’t think it’d be safe to go out wearing a shirt with holes in it and basketball shorts.

Kun suggested, Taeyong seemed embarrassed but nodded in agreement before going to his closet. After he pulled on some clothes, he wore jeans and a hoodie over a fresh shirt. Kun then handed him one of the guns from Yuta's gym bag, Taeyong took it with ease and shoved it in his back pocket.

I suggest you leave the bat.

But I like it.

If that’s your chosen weapon, I suggest a metal one, if we find a store we can take one. But that wooden one won’t help you with crap.

Taeyong nodded immediately, he seemed to be obedient and understand what Kun said. He had already placed his trust into their hands. After, they left the room and explored that floor and killing Lurkers if they crept by. It was until they secured the 9th floor, they found stairs to the roof. Taeyong followed in first with Yuta behind him, he opened the roof door and aimed his gun for any sign of movement. There was no one.

These two floors and the roof are cleared I guess. Should we move to the rest?

Taeyong walked out, Kun and Yuta nodded then turned around and down the stairs, but they noticed Taeyong wasn’t following them. They quickly ran back up, and they found him with his arms behind his back and a gun to his head. The man holding him close peeked his head out from behind him, a sadistic smile spreading across his lips.


A/n : As someone who has zero knowledge about guns and weapons in general, I had to do a lot of research on this :')

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