Robin followed him out of the house, even more annoyed. "You should be careful about what you say. Granny is very important to Regina. I doubt she'll be happy to hear you insult her like that."

"Whatever," Keith said. "Can you unlock the van?"

"Fine," Robin replied, doing just that. He climbed into the front seat and started the car. He drove away from Mist Haven, feeling as if a storm cloud hovered over his head as he waited to get far enough away to confront his cousin.

Keith looked out the window, letting out a low whistle. "Damn, there's a lot of property here. We can fetch a nice sum for it, I'm sure. Add that to Regina's wealth and inheritance, we could live comfortably for the rest of our lives."

"Regina really loves Mist Haven," Robin said, trying to contain his anger. How dare Keith start trying to sell off Regina's home? "I doubt she'll want to sell."

"Well, we'll see what she has to say once I'm her husband," Keith replied, sounding very smug about it.

Robin felt they were finally far enough away from Mist Haven to say: "We both know you're not the man Regina danced with."

"Oh?" Keith asked. "And how are you so sure?"

"Because you certainly weren't there cleaning up with us," Robin pointed out. "And you called me just as the party was ending. You were clearly at home, in a bathrobe with an allergic reaction."

Keith chuckled. "That is true. You're right. I wasn't there and Cora knows that."

That surprised Robin and he felt his anger increase. "Then why are the two of you lying to her?"

"To get what we want," Keith said. "And Regina will think she's gotten what she wants."

"And what happens when this inevitably blows up in your face?" Robin asked. "Have you thought of that?"

Keith rolled his eyes. "This won't. Cora is in on it and she can help make sure everything goes to plan."

"Does Cora know what happened between Regina and her mystery date at the party? What if Regina starts asking you questions you can't answer? What then?" Robin asked, knowing this plan was going to end painfully for everyone involved.

"Relax, I've got it under control," Keith said. "I'll get the answers."

Robin resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "From whom?"

"The real mystery man," Keith said, smirking. "You."

"What?" Robin asked, his heart skipping a beat as he swerved on the road. He righted himself before stopping the van on the side of the road, turning to face his cousin. "What makes you think I'm the mystery man?"

"The suit," Keith replied smugly. "I recognized it. Someone managed to sneak a camera into the party and filmed it. They posted this shortly after Cora made her announcements the other night."

He pulled out his phone, tapped the screen a couple times and handed him the phone. Robin saw a video on screen and pressed play. It showed several partygoers slow dancing and the camera panned across the patio at Mist Haven until it got to him and Regina dancing in the corner. Their eyes were locked on each other and filled with such adoration it made his heart skip a beat.

Maybe love at first sight did exist.

"The suit is pretty unique, isn't it?" Keith asked. "When you gave it to me this morning, I put it all together and realized you were the mystery man."

Robin handed the phone back to his cousin, frowning as he recalled the strange look in cousin's eyes earlier that day. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Keith grinned. "I figured I could use it to my advantage, especially since it was clear you weren't going to out yourself."

A Fairytale for ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now