Chapter 3

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"Let me know if this is too tight," Granny said, lacing up Regina's dress for the masquerade.

"It's fine," Regina assured her, bracing herself against her dresser. She glanced over her shoulder at her housekeeper. "Thanks, Granny."

Granny stepped back, smiling. "You're very welcome, Regina. And you look beautiful, as always."

"Thank you," Regina said, turning from the mirror to face Granny. "Are you sure you don't want to come? You're always welcome. And I do have a dress on standby for you."

"I know, but this is a party for the young, not old women like me. You go and have fun. Don't worry about if it will make the society pages. Just enjoy yourself, Regina. You deserve it, no matter what your mother tells you," Granny told her, taking Regina's hands in her own and giving them a squeeze.

Regina took a deep breath, knowing Granny was right. She nodded. "I will. I promise. Though I'm less worried about the party itself and worried about...well..."

"Falling for another Mr. Wrong?" Granny asked, looking at Regina over the rims of her silver glasses. When Regina nodded, Granny hummed. "I figured as much."

"Why do I keep falling for the same type of man?" Regina asked, feeling like a fool who was doomed to never learn her lesson. "What is wrong with me?"

Granny frowned as she gently cupped Regina's cheek. "There is nothing wrong with you. All those men were greedy and didn't appreciate the gift they had been given. They are the only fools in all of this."

"I doubt that," Regina said, sitting down on the edge of her bed. "I'm pretty sure I'm a fool too."

"Nonsense," Granny replied, sitting down next to her and patting her hand. "You are a wonderful woman who loves with her heart and soul. And somehow your mother hasn't managed to kill that. Don't let those men do it."

Regina sniffed, trying not to cry. She couldn't risk her makeup running and she was careful as she dabbed her eyes. "It's just so frustrating. How am I ever going to find the person I am meant to spend the rest of my life with at this rate?"

"Alright, alright," Granny said, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. "First, I want you take a deep breath."

Nodding, Regina did as Granny said. She then released that breath, feeling herself relax a bit. "Now what?" she asked.

"Now, you put on your mask and go enjoy your party," Granny said. "Don't worry about anything else except having fun. You don't have to find love tonight. Just take it slow and enjoy yourself while getting to know people. Your Mr. Right is likely being hidden by another Mr. Wrong. Be careful not to be distracted by the ones who are flashy and trying to get your attention or you might miss him."

"You always give the best advice," Regina told her beloved housekeeper, feeling more confident after their conversation. She then grinned. "Makes me wonder why I pay Dr. Hopper."

Granny chuckled. "He can help you in ways I can't, trust me."

Regina nodded, knowing she was continually unlearning toxic things her mother had taught her and working to live a healthier life. "True. I guess I need both of you to make it through this world."

"I think you're doing just fine," Granny assured her, giving her a one-armed hug. "But I'm always glad to be here to help you."

"Thanks, Granny," Regina said, resting her head on Granny's shoulder as she took another calming breath.

Granny then stood and pulled her up as well. "Now, you put on that mask and go down to that party and enjoy yourself. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," Regina said, hugging her again. "Have a good night, Granny. I'll see you tomorrow."

A Fairytale for ChristmasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon