Chapter 2

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Regina took off the day of her Masquerade Ball. Mary Margaret arranged for her to have a day of pampering and she prepared to head off to the spa when her phone rang. Her heart sank when she saw her mother's name. For a moment, she considered ignoring the call but she knew her mother would just keep calling until she answered. Sighing, she picked up her phone and hit the green button to accept the call.

"Hello, Mother," she said, hoping she didn't sound as annoyed as she felt. "Is something wrong?"

"I was just calling to check in before your party," Mother replied. "How is everything going?"

Regina stepped up to the window and pushed the curtain away. She saw the party planners' van pull up and she smiled. "It's going well. Set up is underway and I'm off to get ready so I look my best tonight."

"You're just going to leave the crew there by themselves?" Mother asked, sounding scandalized that Regina would just trust hired help to do their jobs and not stand over them like some ancient slave driver.

"They are professionals who know what they are doing," Regina insisted, stepping away from the window. "Besides, Granny is here."

Mother made a strange noise and Regina knew she was rolling her eyes. Granny had never been afraid to stand up to Mother and to call her out, leading to some tension between the two. But Granny had been employed by the Mills family for a long time and no one was willing to dismiss her. So Mother and Granny just took to ignoring each other until after Regina's father died. Then Mother decided to downsize to a penthouse and left the mansion – as well as Granny – behind.

Regina and Granny both sighed in relief that day.

"Maybe you should've brought someone to the house to help you get ready," Mother said. "I know some great people. It's last minute but I can call..."

"It's fine, Mother," Regina said, cutting her off. "Everything is under control and I have my own appointments to keep. So I have to go or I'll be late."

"Fine. Have fun tonight," Mother said tersely. "And try not to embarrass yourself or our company."

Mother ended the call and Regina knew she had thrown that in there as retribution for cutting her off. Sighing, Regina placed her phone in her bag and put the conversation out of her mind. For the rest of the day and night, she would just focus on her party and having fun. She could worry about Mother tomorrow.

Regina headed downstairs and grabbed her car keys. "Granny, I'm heading out for my appointments. I should be back in a couple hours."

"Take your time," the housekeeper called back. "I've got everything covered. Besides, I trust this one."

Granny's words puzzled Regina but she decided it didn't matter. She thanked her housekeeper and opened the door, ready to head out when she collided with something decidedly solid and warm. Regina stumbled backwards as a hand reached out to steady her.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" A male voice with a British accent washed over. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she said, steadying herself. "I'm sorry. I should've been more careful."

"It's your house. I should've been more careful. Is there anything I can do?" he asked, sounding almost panicked.

She glanced up, taking in his wide blue eyes and frowning lips surrounded by brownish-blonde scruff. Then she went to his t-shirt and she realized he was one of Keith's employees. He probably feared he had just ruined everything for his employer and she shook her head. "Just keep setting up the party. Everything is fine," she assured him.

"Alright," he said. "We promise to give you the best party ever."

Regina nodded, feeling her phone buzz. She pulled it out and saw the reminder for her appointment, knowing she was running late. "I'm sure. Thank you," she told him, eager to get in her car and on the road.

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