Chapter 4

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Robin danced under the stars with Milady in his arms. He gazed into her beautiful brown eyes, sparkling with happiness and perhaps love. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Letting his eyes close, his lips brushed hers in the perfect moment.

And then a heavy weight landed on his chest.

His dream popped and when Robin opened his eyes, he was now staring into gold ones rather than brown. Robin sighed, reaching up to scratch his beloved cat behind a gray ear as he chuckled. "Come to fetch me for breakfast, Tuck?"

Meowing, Tuck jumped down from the bed and approached the door. He then looked back at Robin, waiting for his owner to follow him so he could finally get fed. Robin sat up and stretched out, nodding. "I'm coming, I'm coming. It was a late night for me, not that you care."

Tuck just blinked in response.

Robin opened his bedroom door and Tuck walked into the hallway with him close behind. Together, they headed through the little living room Robin had created when his uncle gave him one wing to have all to himself. Uncle Richard had even installed a door so Robin could pretend it was his own apartment. The only thing he didn't have was a kitchen, reminding him that he was still living in his uncle's home rather than his own apartment. Not that Robin really cared. He loved spending time with his uncle and having meals still as a family.

He just didn't like running into Keith in the morning as his cousin was definitely not a morning person – whether he went out partying or not.

Tuck stopped by his bowl, meowing loudly to protest the fact it was empty. Robin chuckled again. "Okay, okay. I'm getting your food. Hold your whiskers," he said.

He pulled out the bag of dry food he kept in a cabinet and poured some into Tuck's bowl. Tuck began eating happily, pleased to have been fed at last. Robin just shook his head as he poured himself some cereal and sat down at the island to eat his own breakfast. As he ate, he thought of the night before and the beautiful woman who had captivated him. But with those thoughts came the memory of how he had clearly broken her heart by just leaving. Robin wished he knew how to find her so he could explain why he had left so abruptly. He had a feeling she would then understand.

Robin glanced over as Tuck jumped onto the counter, clearly done with his own breakfast. Chuckling, he picked up his cat and held him close. "While Uncle Richard doesn't mind you being on the counter, Keith would pitch a fit. And with our luck, this would be an early morning for him. Come on."

Picking up his bowl of cereal, Robin carried it along with Tuck back to his apartment. He set Tuck down and closed the door, starting his Keurig for a cup of coffee to go with his breakfast. Once he sat down on the couch, Tuck jumped up and curled next to him.

"Do you want to hear about my night?" Robin asked. "I went to the party and met the most amazing woman. And then I left before I could find out who she was. I really want to find her. She was...perfect, Tuck. We spent hours talking and I never wanted it to end. She was beautiful, kind, passionate and just amazing. But how am I going to find her?"

Tuck batted at something on the couch and hope surged through Robin when he realized it was the stocking he chose at the party last night. He grinned as he set his bowl aside. "Tuck, you're a genius. Maybe whatever she put in here can help me find her again."

He picked up the stocking and reached in to pull out a candle. Robin held it up and smelled apples. "She likes apples and must be homey. Good to know."

Reaching back in, he pulled out a small black toy horse. He ran his thumb over it before chuckling. "She likes horses but many women do. Doesn't really help narrow it down, huh?

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