Chapter 6

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"Who knew planning a wedding could be so complicated?" Robin asked, leaning back in his desk chair the following morning. He looked over at Tuck, who was curled up on his cat condo. "Good thing I'm not planning on getting married any time soon."

Tuck blinked in response but Robin's mind filled in a conversation as he sighed. "I know, this is technically my wedding. But I have no intention of being the groom. I'm not getting rushed down the aisle.

"Especially as I still don't have a good read on Regina," Robin said, picking up a couple magazines he had found with Regina on the cover. Each cover was about the demise of her latest relationship, which all three magazines agreed was due to her flighty nature when it came to romances. They all believed Regina was either too particular or unwilling to settle down, preferring to jump from man to man.

That certainly wasn't promising if he did choose to pursue a relationship with her.

Which was still a major unanswered question.

"I do believe she was genuine as Milady," he told Tuck, talking through his thoughts on her. "On the other, I've seen how she treats service people. Namely, me. I was just another employee to her and she never really showed me much respect. That says a lot about a person. Do I chance that she's more Milady than Regina? Or do I have too much to lose?"

Tuck just meowed.

Robin sighed. "You're a good confidant, Tuck, but maybe I need to talk with a human about this."

It was moments like this where he missed his parents even more. He wished he could call his father or mother for advice or to at least talking things out with them. Robin believed they would be able to help him or at least try, like other parents.

He considered talking with Uncle Richard before deciding against it. While Uncle Richard was often understanding and supportive, he was still also Keith's father and would likely be disappointed that Robin had deceived Keith as well as taken an opportunity from him. The last thing Robin ever wanted to do was disappoint his only parent figure and the one who held a lot of power over Robin's life and business. So it seemed his best bet would be John, who had been his friend for many years and took things more seriously than Will. But he would still have to wait to talk as his friend was off on a short vacation before things got even crazier.

"Well, I guess I'm not going to come up with my answers now," Robin said, standing as he stretched. "Let's go get some breakfast."

Tuck jumped from the cat condo, following Robin as he headed to the kitchen. Keith sat at the island, drinking some coffee. He looked up as Robin entered, sneering when he saw Tuck. "Do you have to bring that into the kitchen?"

"You know Tuck is always welcome here," Uncle Richard said, coming into the kitchen. He picked up Tuck, scratching under his neck. "Besides, I'm pretty sure Tuck is cleaner than you."

Keith made a face at his father but said nothing else as Robin filled Tuck's bowl. Uncle Richard put the cat down with his bowl so Tuck could enjoy his breakfast while Robin prepared his own. He motioned to the Keurig. "Can I make you some coffee?"

"Thanks, but I'll have to pass," Uncle Richard said. "I have a breakfast meeting with someone who is interested in one of the holdings I'm trying to sell."

"I hope it goes well, then," Robin replied, popping one of his favorite coffee pods into the machine before heading to the refrigerator for some eggs.

Uncle Richard smiled. "Me too. And while I'm doing that, what are you two doing?"

Robin glanced at Keith, who suddenly became fascinated with his bowl of cereal. Sighing, Robin said: "Continuing planning Regina Mills' wedding. We don't have much time."

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