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you- fuck. so what do I have to tell you everything about me?

jimin- YES!! fucking yes. I want to know every single detail of your life and I have a whole damn right to know everything cause you're mine.

you- I love it how you claim me yours all the time.

<she smiled with tear filled eyes as he passed the same to her.>

jimin- and I want you to do the same. claim me as yours, I'm all yours from my heart to my body. (wink)

<she chuckled shaking her head at his statement.>

jimin- I love you, Park Yn. (eyesmile)

<she scooted closer to him and held his both hands and made them circle around her waist and hugged him as his grip around her automatically tighten.>

you- I love you too, Jim. (sniffle) I'm sorry for behaving rude to you.

jimin- I know I did wrong so no worries about that but.

<she frowned and broke the hug, looked at him as he added.>

jimin- but you should be sorry for making me jealous with your ex. (pout)

<she chuckled and flicked his head as he whinned.>

jimin- waaaeeeee?

<he said massaging his head where she hit him.>

you-he's my brother not my ex, that bunny lied to you. 

<she laughed as his eyes widen. she snaked her hands to his waist and pulled him closer his eyes soften as he removed the hair stand covering her face and put it behind her hair his hand still in her hair he closed his eyes as she did too.>

<as the time passed by, the distance between their lips started to disappear. she gripped his coat sending millions of butterflies in both of their bellies and it happened after all these fights only a inch between their lips.


Taehyung: babe-

Contract To Love||P.JM AU||✓|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora