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1. BWO - WHAT?

\\you- fuck. (wide eyes)

eunwoo- what happened, mrs. park.

you- i'll call you later.\\

<i dashed my feet as fast as i could possiblily dash and reached him. and before his hand touches the door knob i held his hand.>

you- wait.

<he turned to me and yanked my hand away from him.>

jimin- what?

you- you can't go in.

jimin- wae?  (eyebrow raise)

you- nothing just go i'll bring the file.

<he nodded and went downstairs as i wiped the fake swaet off my forehead.>

you- that was close.



*ring ring*

<he was sitting on the couch when her phone rang as his eyes immediately caught the i'd.>


<without thinking twice he picked up the call.>

\\jungkook- yebuseyo? the flowers are all done and dress are at your place right? yebuseyo? chubs?\\

jimin- are they getting married or what? naah it can't be.

you- here. (bowed) thank you for coming mr. park.

*ring ring*

\\you- yebuseyo?

eunwoo- i hope you got the message from mr. jeon?

you- ani, what was that about?

eunwoo- all the white flowers are done he said no to pink ones.

you- ok do as he says. thank you.\\

jimin- i'll leave.

you- n-nae. (bowed)


jungkook- you get the groom, i get the parents.

you- (nodded) on it.

<they parted their ways to their destinations.>

Contract To Love||P.JM AU||✓|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ