The Mask of Deception

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"Master Y/n, Master Lloyd, requires Kai and your attention in Ninjago City," Pixal said through my bike com.

"Can he wait? I'm a bit busy trying to stop this idiot on the road here!" I was chasing a man in a high-tech car that had started to attack people with its weapons.

"He seems to be very excited to see you, as you have been too busy to see him."

"Yeah, well, after our fight, kind have been keeping myself busy for a reason." I used some dirt as a ramp, got in front, and threw some daggers at his wheels, popping them. I handed him over to the police when I saw a girl fall on the sidewalk. "Here, let me help you." I put my hand over her scrapped knee and healed it. She smiled and hugged me, then went over to her mother, and they left. "Alright, tell him I'll be there soon." I sighed and got back onto my bike. 

"If you do not mind me asking, what was your fight about?"

"It's been a year, and we haven't found Wu; I told him that he not even be alive; I mean, we don't even know what time he landed in. He blew up on me then we started to fight; by the end of it we kind of both said that we weren't friends anymore, just because I tried to put out a reason or possibly. I know how important Master Wu is, and I'm not saying we should stop looking for him, but we need to put in that factor," I sighed.

"You miss him as your friend?"

"Of course I do, we were best friends, and I have a crush on him; how could I not miss him? But some of the other things said in the fight still piss me off." I got off my bike, went to the elevator, and went up to the correct floor, only to see Lloyd. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. "Were you waiting on me? Or are you just late?" I crossed my arms. Was I a bit cold? Yes, but I can't get some of the things he said in our fight out of my head.

"Little bit of both," I rolled my eyes and walked into the room.

"Hey, there they are. You're late," Kai said.

"Kai was late too, if it is any consolation," Zane said as I chuckled.

"Thanks for meeting me here. It's been a while since we've been under one roof," Lloyd said.

"It's nice to see you guys" I smiled, then noticed Nya giggling and Cole nudging Jay.


"Are we gonna talk about it?" Jay asked.

"Talk about what?" I asked.

"Your voices, it's--" Cole started.

"Lloyd's is lower," Zane said deeply. "And Y/n is higher," he said, higher.

"Sounds like our little ninjas' growing up," Kai laughs.

"Leave them alone," Nya sighs and turns to Lloyd. "Any word from your mother?"

"Not since she went searching for Master Wu. I don't know where she is," Lloyd said.

"She'll come back, Lloyd. And so will Wu," Cole said.

"Not everyone comes back, Cole." My heart said to hug or put my hand on him to comfort him a little bit, but my head said not to, so I didn't; Lloyd seemed to frown more for some reason. "But that isn't why I called you here. I called you here because of this" Lloyd took out his phone and showed us a logo.

"Your father? Lord Garmadon?" Cole asked.

"After poking around, I've learned it's the symbol to--"

"The Sons of Garmadon. A mysterious criminal syndicate growing in prominence in Ninjago City," Zane said.

"Seventy two hours ago..."

"He's been counting?" I whispered to Nya.

"Only to see you," she snickered.

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