Laughter is the best medicine

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It had been nearly a month since I had found Cole that night. I had only slept maybe a few hours during it all and ate mostly fast food with Skylor. Looking at the bathroom mirror now, I almost didn't recognize myself. My hair was all sorts of tangled, I might as well have been a raccoon with how dark the bags under my eyes were. To top it off, my body twitched and shook from the energy drinks and caffeinated teas I lived off of to stay awake. If I had ever had good looks before, I was certain they were long gone now.

I took the time to go through my morning routine, gelling my hair up, brushing my teeth, moisturizing my dried and itchy skin. I looked almost decent after that and headed to go get the first real breakfast I've had in three weeks. Sitting at the table, I was surprised to find Cole there. Pleasantly surprised though, because since he’s been gone and staying with his dad, everyone's been asking Zane when he would return. I was glad to see he was mostly recovered.

"Hey, decided you just couldn’t live without us huh?" I asked with a smile.

Cole nodded and smiled, "Yep, I missed Zane’s pancakes." 

For someone who spent a week throwing up, another week in and out of conscience and had greeted death’s front door, Cole looked pretty good. Sure his hair could be brushed, he probably needed an actual shower and he looked a bit tired, but hey, he was sick. Zane brought in the pancakes and my stomach growled for real food. While the three of us ate, Zane caught Cole up on some t.v. show and seemed to look forward to Cole helping in the kitchen again. Thankfully he didn't mention when I took over cooking. I didn't want anyone asking questions about why I decided to cook those few days, because honestly I didn't know either.

Cole tapped my shoulder, looking at me nervously. "I'm uh, sorry for wh-what I may have said while in and out of it." Ah. So they told him about that.

I smiled, "Hey man, if it was a date you should have told me and I would've worn something nicer." I joked and he sighed in relief. Was he really that bothered by it? I chuckled and hummed, "Hey, you gotta get better so I can watch you fail at beating my speed record again." 

If Cole wasn't determined to get better before, I was sure by the look in his eyes he was now. "Oh and while you were kinda out of it I checked up on your back a few times, you're all good to go." 

"Really? That's a relief, I wanted to ask you about it but you kinda weren't around." 

"That's because he was always following Skylor," Zane commented and I huffed.

"I was not following her around." 

Cole laughed, coughing slightly, "Hey where is she anyways?" 

"She had to go back to the shop, bills to pay and all that. Her help had to leave today for vacation." I replied and ate a pancake, "Oh, but she did say she was glad you were feeling better. And if you drop by the shop she'll give ya a discount. It's just a one time thing though.” Cole seemed pretty happy with that and we ate the rest of our breakfast in silence. Zane took our plates to clean them and I noticed Cole picking at his nails. Looking at my own, the polish was gone on almost all of them and I looked up at Cole.

"Hey, wanna paint each other's nails again?" 

"Woah, are you a mind reader now?" Cole asked and we both laughed. "I'd love to, I kinda missed hanging out with you. Felt like everyone was keeping you away from me." 

I smirked, "Aw you missed me that much huh? That's some really sappy stuff Cole. Are you still sick?" It was a bad joke, but it was worth seeing his face burst into red. He got flustered so much easier than Skylor. 

"I-I didn't mean it like that!!" He covered his face and I chuckled. 

"Aww come on Cole, you totally missed my bad jokes and flaming hot personality." I nudged him and he shook his head. "Alright alright, I'll stop jeez." I had to admit I kinda missed him too, he was easier to be myself around for some reason… I could let go around him.

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