Saturdays Am I Right?

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{Small Author's note: The point of view is in third person because I wanted to try and incorporate a few other's feelings and thoughts in these upcoming chapters. Hope you enjoy!}

When Cole woke up, or tried to, he felt too warm and cozy to move. He snuggled deeper into the warmth, a soft hum leaving him while he kept his eyes closed. Sleep could take over again and he would be perfectly happy. It was quiet except for two fans blowing, the cinnamon and fire smell making him feel even more cozy and content. That was, until the warmth coughed.

He saw nothing but red when he first opened his eyes. Letting them adjust, he could just barely make out brown spikes and a partial golden blob in the sea of red. As his vision fully returned he almost shouted in surprise at the sight of Kai sleeping peacefully beside him. 'Ok Cole, calm down, it's not that bad. You just woke up spooning one of your friends, in his room, under his blanket, in his bed,' he thought to himself as his face gained a cherry tint.

Kai looked kinda different when he was asleep, Cole noticed, not in that perfect, ethereal, way, just... different. Kai rolled over after he coughed again and Cole watched, captivated for a moment as his mouth opened again to breathe, the sound soft, but raspy and wheezy. He hoped he hadn't gotten him sick.

Cole realized it was probably creepy for him to just be staring at his sleeping friend and looked away from him, down at the futon where he was supposed to have slept. It was folded back up, his blanket and pillow sitting neatly on top with a sticky note attached. Leaning down and pulling the note off, he was hoping it might jog his memory of last night.

'Thank you for a quite enjoyable night, I hope you two sleep well -Zane'

Right. The sleepover. Through his grogginess he was able to remember Zane had joined them while they were playing a card game. He guessed Zane had stayed all night and that he just ended up sharing the bed with Kai for the sake of convenience. With that, Cole decided he'd get up and go see where Zane was now.

The white haired ninja making breakfast...or maybe lunch? Either way, it was food and Cole was hungry. "Morning Zane, when did you get up?"

The nindroid smiled as he flipped a pancake. "Around 4:30, today is Saturday so I woke up earlier than usual to clean the monastery," he explained as the earth ninja sat down at the kitchen counter. "You and Kai were... snoring logs I believe is the expression? I did not wish to disturb you as you both had been very tired after last night's activities."

Cole chuckled softly "Really? Huh, don't remember much after we played Go-Fish. Kinda freaked out for a moment when I woke up next to the hot head." He rubbed his neck, the image of Kai asleep came back to mind and he laughed sheepishly.

Zane tilted his head, "Do you not often share a bed with Jay when you two have sleepovers?"

Cole could feel his face heat up and coughed, looking away. "Y-yeah well um you- y-you see uh..." he tried to make an excuse but his morning brain wasn't very good at thinking before breakfast.

Zane laughed and shook his head, "You can sleep with Jay but not Kai? If my data bank is correct you took an 'unplanned nap' with Kai before dinner last night but didn't seem to be bothered." He was teasing him and Cole didn't have to see his face to know he had a grin from ear to ear.

He was glad Zane's back was to him though as his face only got hotter, to the point he was pretty sure it was the color of Kai's gi. "I-It's not like that at all!" He defended, though knew it was... did Zane know too? Their conversation was cut short by Cole having a sudden coughing fit. Today was going to be a long day huh?

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