𝘪. ──────── 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘖𝘯𝘦

Start from the beginning

          Gizela Honey fears the same will occur for herself.

          A fear that keeps a mind awake in the night, haunted by the possibility of a happy never after concealed to be a happy ever after in her future fairytale ━━ if it is her destiny to be written in one, that is.

          She lies fragile in her silk nightdress, tangled in the thick covers of her bed ━━ white and rich ━━ with hands wringing together in a frenzied habit. Eyes open with no intents to close once more, brown curls spread around her head, but chaotically messy from her constant tossing and turning, pursed lips curling and sweat covering her body.

          A mind the same as a broken toy, key at the back turned so it is on constant replay and not able to be stopped. Winding thoughts weave together into one ━━ puzzles of peace ripped to be disconnected, some of the pieces ending up missing and too unintelligible to identify. Her brain is wrangled, each coherent thought arguing with one another about the torments that bully her mind.

          In this moment, she is but a girl ━━ kind and a princess at heart, but through this night troubled with wake, restlessly tossing in clumsy thoughts; burdened with her eternity that has yet come to pass.

          The feeling of thoughts arguing in her mind is like listening to the sun and moon fight ━━ thoughts unable to see reason and work with one another as the sun and moon used to. Now the sun lives during the day and the moon during the night; a compromise. But the thoughts bullying in her head do not have the sense to see compromise the same. One thought is unable to be heard without the other listening, the sun is unable to be seen without the moon looking.

          The feelings are black holes, swallowing Gizela up; but not just her ━━ her room, her furniture, her soul, her consciousness, everything she is able to see, hear, feel, touch, smell or taste in that moment being stolen from underneath her. It is everywhere she looks, things disappearing and scaring her enough to keep her awake, before her mind regains possibility and everything reappears again. It continues her restless form.

          The feeling is confining and smothering, darkness and deceiving, uneasy and tearful all at once ━━ it is overwhelming for the princess that wishes only to sleep and be rid of fear.

          Gizela Honey knows she will be brought to The School For Good when the sun rises and the carriage comes shining through her castle gates. Her eyes may hold daydreams, but that is the witchery of beautiful eyes ━━ silent suggestions of darkness can be heard in the ears where no one is looking. And a girl has lips that are afraid to gasp out any matters concerning the mind and heart that have cloaks of honey, but are masters of fire.

          The School For Good calls for her, a princess, sweet and helpful; but the shadows of her magic cannot be seen if there is too much light.

          That is Gizela's fear ━━ that the good will never understand that she and her magic are beautiful; but they are made for the night, souls that thrive under the kiss of moonlight.

          This acceptance from the nighttime is inherited from her grandmother ━━ the Snow Queen; a villain who had no desire to be good. This is why Gizela knows that she herself may have a heart of good and gold, but her magic is evil...because it was held at the hands of a haunting monster who was wicked. Knowing that Gizela is a princess does not hide the knowledge that her magic she too can sprout from her fingers, was touched through the fingertips of something dark and twisted.

𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 | 𝑻𝒆𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒔 𝑷𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now