We walk for a while in silence as I try to control the tears threatening to fall. After a while, we get to a free garden and she helps me to sit. She sits beside me.

She is silent. I ain't expecting her to say something first, I am used to her silence whenever I am like this. I know she is the expectant one, expecting me to tell her what is wrong with me.

"Pam", I finally break down into tears. She hugs me to her body, rubbing her hands on my back in consolation and whispering encouraging words to me.

"I don't know what to do again, Pam", I begin to rant. She isn't saying anything. I know it is her way of telling me to go on. I disengage from the hug and wipe my tears. She offers me her handkerchief.

When my face is dry of tears, I gaze up at her. She smiles at me in encouragement and holds my left hand.

"I don't know what to do, Pam", I begin with a sniff.

"About what?"

"The pregnancy", I tell her. "I am confused with my life. I shouldn't have gone to that party. I should have just stayed at home and cried my eyes out. I didn't know it will turn out this way", more tears trickle down my eyes.

"Shhhh", she hush me up and hug me again. "No more tears and more explanations."

I wipe my tears again, sniff, and turn away from her. 

"Are you ready now?" She asks me. I know what she is saying. She is asking me if I am ready to talk about the pregnancy.

She is asking because of my reluctance to discuss it with her. I know if I tell her no, she won't force me to. She will only tell me ok and that will be all till I am ready.

But I really want to talk, I don't know the reason for my hesitation. I want to talk to her because she is my friend and she deserves to know the decisions I took the previous night. 

She deserves to know because she has been there for me through the thick and the thin and I also want to know what she thinks of it.

Her opinions will not matter because of my mom but I just want to know what she thinks of it.


"What happened and why are you crying?" She ask.

"I'm just fed up with everything." I reply.

"I know that is the case but something must have triggered it. Is it mom or the baby?"


"Then what is it?"

"How do I cope with school?"

"That is not a problem", she says with confidence.

I stare at her with a furrowed brow. "How is that not a problem? I will become a laughing stock. When Cameron gets to know, he will be disappointed."

"Is this about Cameron or you?"

I look away guiltily. "Me."

"Cameron is now your past, forget about him. He brought this upon you anyway." She utters with a stern tone.

"I don't know what to do, I don't even know how to find the baby's father."

"You can go for an online course, you know?"

"Online course?" I almost scream. I shake my head at Pam's ignorance. "You know I can't afford that, don't you?"

"I can talk to dad....."

"No, thank you."

"Ok. So what do you intend to do?" She questions, staring at me intensely.

I feel a bit relieved to tell her, even though the solution she is bringing up isn't something I can take. 

I know she is trying to tell me to ask her dad for help and if mom gets to know, she will be damn mad at me. She will call me a beggar. My mom is poor but a proud woman.

I don't know if I should go on about telling her what mom and I discussed. I feel ashamed of our decision and I don't know how she will take it.

"Have you spoken to your mom?" She asks as if reading my mind. I nod. "What did she say?"

I fidget with my hands nervously. I am thinking the words will come out easily but it isn't. I am keeping her waiting and I need to say something.

"Anna?" She calls.

I close my eyes and open my mouth. "I want to abort the baby."


Will you advice her to abort the baby?


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