Part Of Me (Last)

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summary: Bucky finds out you secretly gave birth to his son and he didn't know it for three years.  But what does his fiancée have to do with it?  Is Bucky really the villain in the story?

pairing: Bucky x fem!reader

word count: 1492

warnings: language


Halloween was the worst holiday of the year, at least for you. Ever since you were a kid, you've wanted October 31 to go around as fast as it could. You hated the typical traditions like carving pumpkins or even dressing up. Since you were a mother, your mind has changed 180 degrees. James was your whole world, and you would do anything for him to be happy.  Your kid came first and nobody else. As hard as life as a mother could be, he was the light at the end of the tunnel. His favorite holiday is Halloween, so you bought decorations, candy and pumpkins.  The day before, you and James were decorating the house and inviting Sam, Steve, Wanda, Nat and the rest of the Avengers to dinner.  James wanted everything to be Halloween themed so there was eyeball punch (Gummy bears) ,brain measurements (Minced meat in tomato sauce on spaghetti), severed fingers (sausages with ketchup and almonds as fingernails )and alien grits (green jello). After dinner, you all sat outside in the garden carving your pumpkins. James was happier than ever before.  He was brambling with your best friends and putting each and every one of the pumpkins on the porch. As the evening ended so slowly, Nat put James to bed.  The others offered to help you clean up, and for that you were very grateful.  "I hate this holiday."  "Oh why Y/N?! That's the funniest time of the year."  You rolled your eyes and looked over at Sam, who was wearing a big pumpkin as his head.  Terrified, you screamed and pushed him. He fell backwards into the leaf heap and the pumpkin broke in two halves.  Everyone burst into shouting laughter. "That was in fact really funny." You grinned and threw away the last garbage. You thanked the others for a great evening and sent them home. You've spent the last three years raising your son, but not without telling him about his father.  You'd tell him story's every night before bedtime, you'd look at photo books with him, and every time he had a question, you'd answer it to him.  The hardest questions were, "Why isn't Daddy here?" and "Why doesn't Daddy love me?". Every time it broke your heart  because it broke his little heart to live in uncertainty.


There was no better time of the year than Halloween to meet Bucky again. As if that wasn't the worst thing, your son was dressed as winter soldier.  He had just had the courage to go to a house alone to ask for candy as you heard the familiar voice behind you.  "Y/N  What are you doing here?  Good to see you. Great costume." In shock, you look at the house and then slowly turn to Bucky.  "Ehm hi what are you doing in this part of town? Not your usual area." Your smile was as fake as Kim Kardashian's ass. Panic rose in you.  What if James came to you and asked you who that man was? Would he be ready for that? Would you be ready for that? As luck would have it, you were out with your neighbor Carry and her son Lance for Trick or Treating. "Mom, look how many sweets I got it." Struck by lightning, you turned to James and grabbed your heart.  "Honey, your mom's still at the house next door with Lance." You swallowed the lump down your throat and your son's eyes looked at you confused. "Wow you have a really great costume there buddy." Bucky said suddenly grinning. His eyes were glowing as he looked at the little boy's metal arm. "My Mom made it for me." James smiled and you had to smile too. He was just too precious. "Hey Y/N Sorry. Let's get going." Carry pulled at your dress and you followed her thankfully. "Sorry Bucky we have a thing." You shruffed your shoulders and turned to Carry. "Oh my god thank you so much! You literally saved my life." You held James' hand tighter and continued down the road.


Bucky's POV

"Bucky, everything okay with you?"  Stacie stuck herself in his forearm.  "We'll be late if we don't hurry."  He was still staring at the little boy.  "Go ahead, I'm not so good right now, honey."  he smiled at her and she nodded and went to her brother's house.  There was a Halloween party there today.  Bucky took the little note out of his vest and stared at it.  The little brown-haired boy was still staring at him as he ran by his ex-girlfriend's hand.  He called her Mom, and she had such a panic in her eyes.  How old do you think he is?  Probably two or three. Bucky took a closer look at the note.  The drawing showed a woman who looked like Y/N and a small boy like the one in the winter soldier costume. The realization hit him like a truck. Bucky ran off, down the road but  Y/N was nowhere to be seen.  She could have gone to any house, he couldn't ring the bell or knock on every house to look for her.  Why didn't she tell him he had a son? Less than 10 minutes later, he was standing in the house of his brother-in-law. Bucky didn't know how to act. "Hey, honey, I'm sorry, but I'm going to lie down upstairs in your old room, I'm not feeling any better." Stacie looked at him sympathetically. "Should I come?" He shook his head. "No, no. Everything okay. I'll be all right. Do you have a pill for the headache?"  "Yes, in my purse upstairs." He went up the wooden stairs and ran through his hair. Bucky was running back and forth in Stacy's old room. He searched her purse for his phone.  Apparently, he had forgotten it at home and, out of anger, threw the ugly red bag through the room. It hit an old vase. Confused, Bucky looked at the broken pieces. There was a smartphone in them. Bucky turned on the phone suspiciously. His phone display was copied. His apps and contacts. Everything was the same, but it wasn't his phone. He opened the last messages he had received.

I had actually given it up but he turned 3 today. . .Happy Birthday to your son.

This will be my last message to you, James. I've given up hope. Goodbye.

Bucky pulled his eyebrows together.  She had broken up with him by SMS, just like that and shortly after Stacy had contacted him. Angry, Bucky stormed down the stairs.  The smartphone almost crushes in his vibranium arm. "STACIE!" His voice sounded dangerous.  Almost threatening. He knew what that blonde slut had done. Stacie smiled until she saw his face. Her eyes looked into his and then to the phone. All the color faded from her face. "Where did you get that?" "Where did I get that? You are really asking me that question?! Seriously?! What the fuck is that? Why did you copy my phone?" "Babe let me-." His face turned red with rage. "Shut the fuck up. What do you want to explain? That you fucked up my last relationship? I read all of those messages. I don't know why or how you did it, but you're gonna pay for that. We are over. Get your stuff out of my apartment tonight, or I'm gonna throw your stuff out the window." After Bucky managed to convince Sam to tell him Y/N's address, Bucky knocked until she opened the door. The house was quiet. "I know.  Before you ask what this is all about, you know exactly Y/N. The little boy with the blue eyes.  They look very familiar to me. How old is he 3?" Tears burned in her eyes. She sighed and opened her door to let him in. „Come one in. Let's talk inside." Bucky spent several hours explaining to Y/N everything he had found out.  He tried everything to get her to understand.  He had already missed so much of his son's life. He didn't want to waste the rest of the years. Being a father is a lifelong profession. He might not save his relationship with Y/N, but he might save his relationship with his son. "He's beautiful. A miracle." Bucky stood in James door frame and watched the sleeping angel. There was a small night light in the corner of the room. "You told him about me?  After you thought I'd dumped you so bad?" he watched the superhero posters and comics. "Of course I did. Even though he didn't get a chance, I did everything I could to get him to know his father in at least some way." You softly closed James door. "I'm very grateful for that. Y/N. It'll take a while, but I'll make it up to you. I promise. Even if it is the last thing I will ever do."

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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