Part Of Me 2

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summary: You're suffering quietly after your breakup while he's having fun with another woman. Funny that you're pregnant with his baby and he doesn't want to hear from you anymore.

pairing: Bucky x fem!reader

word count: 1453 words

warnings: Angst. Just the others finding out about a pregnancy and dealing with feelings haha. It's a bit messy.

"Just Keep Reminding Yourself If He Wants To Talk To You..He Will."


[ 2 weeks later ]

You tried to call or text him but he must have blocked your number. You didn't want to tell him over the phone. This is huge news and you wanted to tell him in person. Every time you came to the Avengers Compound he would be busy with his new girl Stacie. Stupid name. (Sorry if your name is Stacie. Don't take it personally) Either he would barricade himself with her in his room, God and Friday only knew what was going on behind that door, or he would leave the building holding hands with her. He avoided you. You knew exactly what he was doing and it drove you mad. "I give up."You called. "What why?" Wanda and Nat stopped immediately in their motion. Tonight you wanted to have dinner together at the common room. "He clearly doesn't want to talk to me or even see me. I tried so much already. I am tired of his shit. I will never tell anybody that I am pregnant. Not him or any other human being on this planet." You glanced to your bag, an Ultrasound image in it. Just yesterday, you went to the doctor, who confirmed your pregnancy to 101%.  You were long over a possible abortion period, so you kept the baby.  Okay, that wasn't right, you'd have kept it in any way. Your heart tightened in pain. „You are what?" You froze as you heard Steve's and Sams voice. "Nothing." Your voice was louder nearly yelling. "Are you serious Y/N?" Sam and Steve had worried looks on their faces. You felt their warm embrace as Steve looked you deep in the eyes. "Is this true?" He asked softly. You slowly nodded. "Hm hm." Now the tears you held back all this time are present. "Fuck!" You exclaimed. "Just don't tell anybody or forget what you heard.Please!" "Technically Steve is not a human being, he is a super soldier sooo." Sam grinned and it made you chuckle. You showed him your middle finger. The evening dragged on.  Wanda and Nat had made a super delicious dinner, but you had only eaten a few forks. You were in the mood for a movie until Bucky sat down with Stacie. He stroke her hair and played with her fingers. You had enough when his hands came near her crotch. "Okay I am heading home." You reap apologetic glances. You couldn't smile, it was too much. „See you."Your farewell was short, and you practically ran out of the building.  The taxi wasn't here yet, and a sudden nausea came over you."Shit." You groaned as you threw up in a bush.You searched for a tissue and wiped your mouth. How could a person change so quickly?  Someone who said he loved you.  Someone who said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.  And then he drops you like a rock and lives the life you two always wanted with another woman. "I hate you James Buchanan Barnes."you told yourself.

And as time went by, your stomach got bigger.  The pregnancy symptoms became more severe.  Still no sign of Bucky.  Even though he blocked you, you sent him updates on your condition.  But there was never an answer.

Because you ignore me now just over text.
I'm pregnant.
I'm 21 weeks now.
It's a boy.
I am due in 5 days.
You are busy I guess but congrats you are a dad.
I named him after you and your father.

[ 3 years later]

"We can't keep this a secret anymore Y/N. He looks exactly like Bucky." Steve sat right next to you on the bench in Central Park. Today was your and James playground day. You looked at your son.  He really looked exactly like his father.  He had slightly longer hair and his bright blue eyes.  He reminded you so much of him.  It hurt a little more every day to look at him because you knew Bucky could do without you.  He hadn't wasted any thought of you or him.  How could he?  He didn't know about you.  It's almost a miracle you haven't run into each other for the past three years. "I know Steve. Don't you think that it was hard enough for me too?" He squeezed your hand. "That's not what I meant Y/N." In all those years, you didn't have the strength to look for a new partner.  There was no one who was comparatively like him.  You only wanted him, even though he broke you. You weren't the person you used to be.  You're not as happy as you used to be.  You rarely had contact with your old friends like Nat, Wanda, Steve and Sam.  They kept trying to motivate you to go out, enjoy life.  You only lived for James. James George Barnes. In your relationship Bucky told you about the tragic loss of his family. That's why you knew how you would name your baby. It would mean so much to him. It would make him proud. It was a hell of a birth.  17 hours of labor.  You were tired and powerless.  Your eyes were closed.  You could smell your own sweat.  "You can do this Y/N.  Push one last time."  Nat took a serious look at you. She was the only one who was there for you. You didn't want to be a burden to the others, so you just called her. You nodded. "3...2... "  Your own pain-filled cry was interrupted by a small cry. You looked at your little pride of joy in delivery room and smiled with tears in your eyes. It fits perfectly. "Hello my little soldier."

Steve was babysitting today.  You've been really grateful.  Going shopping with James was incredible.  He was just in the defiance phase and threw himself on the floor, screaming and roaring through the store.  Everyone would look at you with a judging look on their face. You didn't have the nerve. When Steve offered to take care of him so you could go shopping for Halloween, you hugged him so tight that he couldn't breathe for a second. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." As you strolled through the corridors, your eyes fell on a certain woman.  She was tall, had long blonde hair and was as slim as you were before James was born. She was really pretty. Maybe if you would work out more often you could like that again too. You smiled sadly and when you saw her face, you felt sick.  It was Stacie. She was probably still with Bucky.  You just couldn't compare to her. Your eyes wandered up and down her body. And then you saw something sparkling on her hand. A ring. Correct...on that finger. Something stabbed your chest.  Of course they'd get married.  You still had hope that she would have a new partner, but that hope was shattered when HE turned around the corner and put his arms around her. Your shopping list fell to the ground, and you immediately turned around and ran to the checkout.  You couldn't see that. You quickly went to your car and put the groceries inside. Your heart was racing uncontrollably, you were trembling, sweating. Please don't have a panic attack in this parking lot. You are cursing to yourself. You took the shopping cart away and went back to your car. Your hand narrowed on the door handle as you heard somebody call your name. "Y/N!" Before you could go into shock, you sat in the car and locked the doors. "NO. No no no, not right now. Never." you laughed and hit the steering wheel with the palm of your hand. You started the engine and drove backwards out of the parking space. Bucky didn't have a chance to reach you because you were already in the exit.  When he saw you in the store, or rather what you left behind, he wanted to talk to you.  Stacie would call him crazy if he ran after a car.  He stared at the shopping list in his hands.  On the back was a self-painted picture.  It looked like a children's drawing. He folded the paper carefully and put it in the chest pocket of his leather jacket. Then he looked at the car until it disappeared from his sight.

Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan ImaginesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα