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summary: A year later, Sebs and your life completely changed. Today is the long-awaited court visit to make your divorces final. And maybe you have some advice for the future of the new couple.

pairing: Sebastian Stan x fem!reader

word count: 1.7k

warnings: none just fluff


"Are you ready?" Sebastian stuck his head through the bedroom door and looked to you. "Oh damn." he breathed loudly. "What, does it look stupid? Do I look fat?" Suddenly you doubted your appearance in the mirror. "No! You look fantastic darling." He stood behind you and put his hand on your growing belly. Since you were with Sebastian, you were much more relaxed and frisky than in the years before. You deserved a beautiful life with a wonderful partner. You often talked about the future. A child together and a wedding would seal your happiness forever. But whether it was that easy. After the whole story with Patrick, you were afraid. After many self-doubts and dark evenings in Sebastian's arms, you went to see another specialist. He happily informed you that you were both fertile. For weeks, your values were checked and miraculously, you quickly became pregnant. The day you held the positive test in your hand was now almost 5 months ago. You thought a few years ago that this day would never come. All the greater was the joy of showing Sebastian the test crying as soon as he walked through the door. How quickly the time passed. This weekend there would be a gender reveal party. Friends and family were coming to celebrate with you and Liam. It felt like a dream. Sebastian fiddled with the black fabric and brought you back to reality. The black trouser suit hugged your figure flatteringly. You hadn't worn make-up for weeks. But you dressed up for the occasion. If you were going to get out of this divorce, then at least with the last bit of dignity that Patrick had left. Then you can also show him what he is missing. What he gave up for an affair that he then impregnated. You are better. You can be happy and free. You have earned it. It took a really long time to admit that to yourself. The love of your life was now by your side and you will spend the next struggles in life side by side. "Let's go." You bit your lip anxiously and went into the third door on the right in the hallway. "Liam honey, we have to go now. Take a snuggie with you if you want." You went further into the hall to get the jackets. Sebastian stroked his son's curls encouragingly. Today was a hard day for the four-year-old. Victoria made it really hard for Sebastian to get a divorce. For months she went on holiday with Patrick, so she was not available. When she was finally ready, the big custody battle started. Sebastian wanted sole custody but Victoria foiled all his plans. The saddest thing was that she disowned Liam as her son. She no longer visited him or had him over. Today, a court would make a decision based on the evidence and the testimony of some relatives and acquaintances. You were one of those who spoke out. You felt unbelievably sorry how a mother could treat her own child like that. Liam was such a special little boy. He had so much love in his heart. You tried your best to be there for him, he was a daddy's child either way. But you couldn't and wouldn't replace his mother.

The journey to the court did not take long. The bright sun made it particularly hot again. In the car park, you reached for a water bottle and looked at the car parked next to you. "Seb your mother is here." Thirsty, you drank half of the bottle and hugged Georgeta warmly. "You look great!" she hugged her son and grandson in turn. "Thank you. I feel all bloated but when this is finally all behind us it will be a massive weight off my mind." She smiled warmly and put on a pair of black sunglasses. "Let's go in then." Sebastian took Liam in his arms and led the way. They were already standing in the hallway outside the courtroom. Patrick whispered softly to Victoria as she pushed the buggy back and forth. She raised her eyes and stared at us grimly. Sebastian's lawyer appeared behind you and distracted you. When the time came, we went into the courtroom. Respectfully you looked around before you had to take your seat. The judge entered the courtroom and began the proceedings. When it was your turn to testify, you were sweating like a waterfall. Your hormones were going crazy because of your pregnancy. Sebastian and Victoria sat at two separate tables in the middle of the room. He gave you an encouraging look as you sat at the podium. An hour later, all the fuss was over. Liam wept bitterly as you left the room. Sebastian pressed a kiss to your temple and walked hand in hand with you towards his ex-wife. "Hey. Even though I have sole custody, I still want you to know that you can visit him whenever you want. He's your firstborn Victoria." You squeezed his hand lightly. "First of all, congratulations," you said softly and looked briefly at the sleeping newborn. "Thank you. That really means a lot to me." Victoria said, her expression even showing remorse and some sadness. "I or rather we..." she said as Patrick came up behind her protectively. "Made a lot of mistakes and never apologised for them. I am ashamed of what we have done to you. There are better ways to not want to be with someone anymore. It's nice that you found each other and can be we are."

"Thank you for your words. We wish you the best and hope you don't make the same mistakes again. Be grateful for what you have. Family is so important." Sebastian turned away and you looked once more at Patrick. "Patrick wait." Victoria excused herself to calm the crying baby. "Please do me a favour and grow up. Take good care of them both. Treat her better. I hope you have learned something from this." You smiled sadly at him. "Farewell." He nodded appreciatively. "Thank you for all these years, even if I was not a good husband and not a good partner for you. I can never make it up to you, but I wish you all the luck in the world." Tears came to your eyes. It was a great goodbye. You watched the three of them leave and went to your own family. You watched blissfully as Sebastian threw Liam through the air. His giggle filled the entire hallway. Your most desired dream could now come true. Gratefully you closed your eyes and took Sebastian's hand.

Two Years Later...

There was a gentle knock. "They're all waiting for you." You had to breathe in and out deeply. The emotions were going extremely crazy today. "I'm ready," you said to your mother and she opened the door so your father could look at you. Tears glazed his eyes and he held his hand in front of his face. "My God, you are beautiful." Your hands were shaking. " Dad please. I cannot cry." He handed you your bouquet and your mother left quickly. "Come now. You don't want to miss your own wedding." You laughed and nodded. "I'm ready." The white fabric blew lightly in the wind. All your loved ones were gathered. And there he stood. In a tailored grey suit. He looked so impossibly handsome. He had grown a three-day beard just for you. How you loved that damn beard. When your eyes met, the world stopped for a second. He sniffled and squinted his eyes. Your father handed you over to your almost groom with a smile. "If you start crying now, I'm going to have a waterfall on my face," you murmured softly to Seb, who grinned cheekily and wiped his finger under his eyes. "I'm completely innocent." The registrar looked at you and waited for your sign. "Let's start the beginning of our eternity," you said firmly. The ceremony was wonderful. You had to cry at your respective vows. What a miracle. He whispered such wonderful words to you and made you a promise that will never come close to any other promise in the world. After a few hours, your feet were now aching. At the bridal table you took off your high heels and drank a sip of water. How can your own wedding be so exhausting. Of course you've had one before, just like Sebastian. However, you've been keeping a little secret for weeks. "There's my beautiful wife," a voice sounded behind you. You got a wet kiss on the cheek and had to giggle. "Hello, very handsome husband." He sat down next to you. "How are you Mrs Stan?" He wiggled his eyebrows, making you laugh. "My feet hurt." Without another word he grabbed your ankles and placed them on his thighs. He massaged the sore spots and you closed your eyes in pleasure. "I was just with Liam and Georgie. My mother fed them and your mother is playing with them in the children's corner." Your gaze went in that direction and you grinned widely. "My dad has a pink crown on his head. I never thought I'd see that again in my life." Seb brushed a strand of hair out of your face "Life as a princess can be exhausting my dear." "As big siblings, too." You were hoping he'd understand the news. He pulled his eyebrows together in amazement. "We don't have any siblings and Liam is just-" he hesitated and looked at you with big eyes. "No." he breathed softly. You couldn't hide your smile anymore. At the same time, you were nervous. "I'm going to be a dad?" "I'm in the 13th week. I wanted to tell you on your honeymoon, but I think now was the perfect time." He looked at you with so much love and immediately knelt down to kiss your belly. "Liam will be an even better big brother and Georgie will be a super great big sister." He kissed your belly over and over again. "I love you so much." he murmured softly and looked up at you. "I love you so much more." He jumpep up like he was insane and threw his hands in the air. As he started to cheer loudly you shook you head. Your are gonna spend the rest of your life with this weirdo. Have fun.


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