Part Of Me

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summary: Bucky betrays you in the worst way possible. But is this the end of your story?

A/N: I got a little inspired by "Freak" from Little mix and I was in the mood for a cheating Bucky hehe. This is based between Endgame and TFATWS.

pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader

word count: 1199

warnings: mentioning of cheating and insecurities

"Once I Catch You In One Lie, It Makes Me Question Everything You Said."


"You never saw the red signs Y/N." Wanda placed a hand on top of yours. You looked at the two women in front of you. "That's not true."You whispered close to tears.

The first one was his new hair cut. You loved his long hair. You played with the curls every night in bed. Love is not about the look, you knew that. With that short hair he was nearly looking like a god. Short hair or long hair you didn't care. He is still the same person. The second one was his new cologne. He shook it off. "I was just walking down the street and saw a new advertisement. It looked interesting. I got inside and bought it because it smells good. Don't you like it?" You sighed "I like it, I was just wondering." The bad feeling in your stomach grew as he had to work later and later. The food you cooked fresh for him every day got cold. Every night. He missed freshly cooked food and you wanted to do him something good. You tried to call him. He didn't pick up the phone. „I tried to call you. Several times Bucky." He was standing in the hallway of your shared apartment. "You know I don't get along well with this technique. My battery must be empty." He shruckled his shoulders. You were never the person who would spy on his partner, but that changed the day you found lipstick on his shirt. You're not wearing lipstick. He liked you just the way you are. Natural without lots of make-up. Red lipstick. Couldn't have been more conspicuous. Tears fell down your face while doing the laundry but after that you carried on like it was just a normal day.

On date nights he was more absent lately, even distant. Normally you two would lay together on the couch, chatting, laughing and having a beautiful night. Now he's sitting on the other end of the couch, not even making eye contact with you. You decided to test one last theory. Maybe you just got paranoid. Who knows? „Hey Buck." He gave you a small glance. "Can we cuddle a bit? You don't have to. I guess you are not into that physical touching lately." Your voice was almost inaudible. Before he could answer his phone rang. "Steve and the rest of the boys want to go into a bar. I'll be back by midnight." He stood up and gave you a kiss on the head. That was another thing. He didn't even kiss you lately. The last time you had sex was almost 2 months ago. When you heard the door fall into the lock, you went into the bedroom. You took a new pair of pajamas and took a hot bath. Before you relaxed your muscles, you stood naked in front of the mirror. You touched a few of your body parts. You felt a short pain in your boobs as you stretched them a bit. Have you put on weight? Is that why he didn't want to touch you? Have you been this unattractive lately? You weren't a super soldier or any kind of superhero. You were just a normal human being who worked for Tony Stark. That's how you even met Bucky. Your were vulnerable in every way possible.

You sat in the warm water for almost an hour to relax. When you were about to get out, the bathroom suddenly turned. You were holding on to the sink. "God." Quickly, you washed cold water on your face and slip into your pajamas. Before you went to bed with a book, you fetched a glass of water. It was almost midnight. Once in bed, you pulled out your phone. You thought back and forth, but you still sent Sam a message.

Hope you and the boys have fun. Don't let Bucky drink too much. Xo

Sam didn't waist time. He immediately texted back.

What do you mean Y/N?

You pulled your eyebrows together.

Bucky said Steve and the boys wanted to go into a Bar. Aren't you with them?

All of the avengers are all in the compound Y/N. We are not going out. It's movie night.

You pressed your lips together. This must be a joke. This must be a fucking joke. Tears burned in your eyes and your throat became dry. It was a dream that Bucky moved in with you instead of living at the Avengers Compound. That dream just burst right in front of your eyes. The thoughts kept you awake. You heard how Bucky sneaked into the apartment at almost 3 in the morning. As he was walking into the bedroom you turned the light on. He nearly got a heart attack. "Jesus Y/N. You scared the hell out of me. Why are you awake." Y/N. He didn't even say your pet name. "How was the Night out with the boys?" You smiled lightly. "Good. I am exhausted now. I really need that sleep." He groaned. You just made an undefined sound. "Sounds weird when I know all the Avengers haven't left the building." He froze in his motion. Got him."Please don't tell me it's another women Buck." Your voice trembled with anger and disappointment. You couldn't even look at him. "Y/N I-" "No!" You laughed tears filling your eyes. "That was the answer I needed to hear. Pack your stuff." These three words were the last words you said to him.

"Y/N!" A snap took you out of your daydream. Confused, you shook your head. Wanda and Nat stared at you worried. The three of you were sitting in your now almost empty apartment. After Bucky had packed all his stuff, it didn't feel like home anymore. "What did you want to tell us?" You swallowed the lump down your throat. With shaky fingers, you pulled the positive pregnancy test out of your sweater. "This." You couldn't breath. This is all too much for you. "I was overdue. I didn't realize because I was so heartbroken after he left. I was crying in my bed for days and I-." You couldn't speak any longer because sobs left your mouth. The 2 girls pulled you in a tight hug. "We are here. You are not alone." You had to smile a little bit, because those two women were real friends. You were thankful they were here and you really didn't feel so alone anymore. You wanted to involve Pepper too, but she can't keep a secret. "I don't know what to do. He was always the best part of me. I could be myself around him and now he just betrayed me like that. I couldn't even talk to him. What am I supposed to do? Text him like hey I know you cheated but I am pregnant. That would be a good joke." It was a miracle that Nat and Wanda could even understand you. „Shhh Y/N. Calm down. We'll find a way. You should get some rest." The girls kept whispering sweet and calming nothings till you drifted to sleep.

Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now