C2: Training

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"Capt. I knew I could find you here"

Lonan, Division A leader. One of the people whom I trusted in this organization.

I nodded to acknowledge him and continued punching the bag.

"Capt. Have some mercy on the punching bag will you?" He said while handing me a towel.

"What do you want?" I directly said as I grab the towel and wiped my forehead.

"Wow can't I just see you 'cause I missed you," He said while holding his chest acting offended.

I stared him dead in the eyes.

"Ok, ok. Seriously capt. those eyes of yours bring back a whole lot of memories I don't want to remember" He said looking scared and walking away from me while raising his hands.

 I understand how he felt since he was under my division before and I was the one that trained him for 2 years. 

Let's just say it wasn't the most pleasing experience he had felt.

Although he was 2 years older than me our ranks are the basis of this organization.

"I need your help," He said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"I no longer do any missions" I boredly said.

"This one is not a mission though, I know you no longer do any missions that's why you gave me your position as division A leader to cover all the missions that are given to you and you know it's hard pretending to be you. So you owe me this one." He said in one breath.

Damn. He got me on this one.

I got too lazy doing missions that's why I handed the division to him so that he can handle all of it.

It took him a year to finally realized it though.

I guess it's time for work.

"What is it then," I said feeling annoyed.

"A group of new guys is coming in a month. I need you to oversee these groups and divide them accordingly" He said while handing me three thick ass folders.

"These folders contain the information that bases their strength and a whole lot of weaknesses."

"So you're telling me to train them?"  I said with a much-annoyed voice.

"Yes?"  He sounds kinda scared

"This is Garrick's work. Where is he?"

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