Chapter 1: The mysterious person

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One day there was a house in the forest on top of a hill, there was a girl who had long black hair, blue shorts, a black T-shirt and white shoes sitting in the living room watching TV, this girl was named Marie she was 16 years old (She is the oldest out of the three), then the front door opened to reveal two girls, one had short brown-ish blond hair, blue shorts, pink T-shirt, and black shoes she was 15 years old her name was Charrllette (She is the 2 oldest), and the one next to her was wearing a blue T-shirt, black shorts, and pink shoes and she had red long hair she is 14 years old (She is the 3 oldest) her name was Emily. The three girls were living in a 3 room house and the two girls looked at Marie, Charrllette asked "What are you doing." Then Marie said "Watching TV, Why?" Then Emily said "You were supposed to be cleaning the house." Marie said "I did, go look around." The two girls walked around the house and it was clean then Charrllette came and said "Well... did you clean the rooms." Then Marie said "Hey, I am the oldest you don't tell me what to do." Emily then said "You still need to clean the rooms." Charrllette and Emily went to go to the kitchen to get something to eat, Charrllette got cookies and Emily went to get a sandwich for herself (They live by themselves because their dad had gone on a Business trip for a few years), then Charrllette yelled "SO WHAT, I AM FUKING 15 YEARS OLD SO GO TELL EMILY TO DO IT THEN!" Emily came into the room and said "Why do I have to do it." Marie said "Because we asked you to do it." Marie got up and walked to Emily and said "Because your doing it rather you like it or not". Emily was so mad she stomped on the floor with her foot and she went upstairs, and one hour later she came back and said "Done." Charrllette and Marie were happy she cleaned the rooms. Then Emily went to the couch in the living room and turned the TV on (it was turned off when Marie told Emily to clean the rooms), and put a movie on called Jaws and Charrllette was so scared she ran to her room and locked the door Marie asked Emily "Why did Charrllette run to her room and locked the door?" Emily said "Because she is scared of Sharks and she told me. Did she not tell you?" Marie said "no she didn't." Marie went to her room to watch a movie (They have TVs in their own rooms) and turned on Stranger things. Meanwhile with Charrllette she was doing her drawings in her room while listing to music with her headphones on and mumbling the lyrics to the song, she was so focused that she did not know that someone was watching her from the window, Charrllette feels like she was being watched so she looked over to the window and saw no one there and turned back to what she was doing. With Emily, she was done watching Jaws and turned off the TV and looked outside and saw it was night and went to her room to get changed, she got changed in her PJ's and took off her shoes, put PJ Black shirt on, put on her Blue shorts and turned the light off and went to bed. With Marie, she was done with season 1 of Stranger things and turned the TV off and looked outside and saw it was night and put her PJ's on like a White PJ shirt, Took off her shoes, and put Black PJ shorts on, and turned the light off and went to her bed. With Charrllette she was done drawing and turned the music off and took her headphones off and took off her shoes, put PJ Pink shorts on, Put a White PJ shirt on, and turned off the light and went to bed.

(TO BE CONTINUED) See you next time in Chapter 2: A New Day. see you there.

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