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There is no doubt they have facial recognition software in place already and it has alerted them to our presence at GEH.

I think they know we are here, because security is here even before we asked to talk to Mr Grey. We are escorted through the metal detectors. Of course we don't have our guns on us at this point. We are pretty sure we won't need them at GEH. We are escorted to mr Grey in the security office on the top floor.

I have security bring the two who just came in the door and standing at the receptionist desk to be brought up to me. They have been told to wait until I am ready to see them. Jason is still working on figuring out how we can bypass the red flags with Barney. But it isn't working.

Jason Taylor
I am gone for two weeks and things have happened and I can't believe the Grey family are being investigated. I lead them not a room where we can listen to their conversation. Apparently they are aware of being recorded so they just look at each other.

Daren Lincoln was picked up after we found out he never made it to the police station. We are having the Lincoln family watched now. The people on the Grey family said they aren't doing anything illegal and asked for something real to look into. So we did. Soon they found a lot of traffic going in and out of the shipping company. But the problem was that the shipments were coming from mrs Lincoln's beauty salons and her daughters pastry company. Then Darens mannequin manufacturing company. We started noticing clients going in and some never came out again. Cctv footage for the areas of those business were inactive. I chuckled as we finally get to see Grey. We never said a word and it probably frustrated.

We both are probably thinking the same things, but then maybe not as I see Collin checking out Taylor's backside. I dare say it is rather nice to look at. I like looking at Christian better, who wouldn't want to look at him. I mean women stop in their tracks to check him out and they physically gasp. I don't but I hear the others gasp at seeing him in person and it is both men and women. Collin likes both genders. If he could have a husband and wife he would, but his parents like mine wouldn't go for that. We are actually trying to find his brother and sister who disappeared shortly after moving to Seattle. It has been six months since anyone heard from them.

Oh lord she was the young woman in the wheelchair I didn't pay much attention the video images. She walks in and shakes hands and introduces herself as Anastasia Steele and Collin Phillips. I know these two from New York events I had to attend. They kept low profiles, but they got a lot done for their companies from behind the scenes. They are both formidable in everything they do together or separately.

Ahh I see that you recognize us mr Grey. I think we can help each other. I first would recommend not having anything to do with the Lincoln family in any situation. We are close to catching them red handed. We are looking for Collins brother Thomas and his sister Sarah. Both disappeared six months ago and your police department has buried information and the charges I pressed against Daren Lincoln and they released him shortly after the cruiser left with him in handcuffs another thing I am sure you are aware of. Two of your guests from the gala disappeared.

We can't find their things from the home they bought here in Seattle. Someone is living there now. We are watching them before we make our move on them. We think whoever is living there has all their property hidden. My family aren't the only ones missing and no one seems to know anything at the police station. We can't prove anything right now, but we are hoping to prove a lot. When the singles club opened we were worried that it might have something to do with the missing people. It started from a website and the lotto for gala made us suspicious of your family, but we ruled everyone out. But we think someone is using charity events to grab people. Because the missing people were reportedly seen the day before and then not seen after that.

Odd so it isn't just at my families events then?

Not it isn't and after Daren tried to kidnap me, I am thinking he and his family are doing more than shipping mannequins and beauty supplies out through that shipping company of theirs. We have some thoughts on how, but we think they are working with others inside the police department.

Jack Hyde
I tracked Miss Steele to GEH and I am waiting for them to come out. Her driver went in with her.Rachael and Connie are working at the salons today, because we need to get a few more people out of there before we run the auctions and we had hoped to get Miss Steele fr one of our buyers. But she surprised Daren and he ended up having to be rescued by a cruiser we had just in case we needed them. Daren is becoming very careless. But I can't do anything about him yet.

Rachael Hyde
I can't stand being around these elitist people and I want to see them punished for their greed, because we were raised in poverty and abused badly. Now we abuse others. It is a vicious cycle. I decided having children isn't something for me and made sure of it. Jack however could have children everywhere if he ever gave people his real name. Hell I doubt they were even conscious. He wears a mask to cover the scars on his face from our father's abuse of him. He didn't care if people saw the injuries he inflicted on Jack. He never injured me where anyone might see. He mentally tortured me. God I want to cut Connie's tongue out, she talks way too much. Elena is pure bitch, but she pumps people for information and they tell her which is stupid on their part. We have a lot of wealthy people come into the salon. I guess the Grey family stopped coming here because they found out a story written in the Seattle Nooz was only talked about here in this salon and only between herself and her daughter. The paper was sued, because the story wasn't true, mrs Grey had set the salon up and it turned out she was right in her theory that peoples private information shouldn't be talked about in a beauty salon owned by the Lincoln's and Hyde's.

Rachael has been watching and listening all day. Something is up with her. We have targeted a few more to add to our shipment to the auctions. Daren is biting and bit to get his hands on a couple of them, but dad is going to assure he goes nowhere near them. As many women out looking for one night stands he is wanting the merchandise. He wants Miss Steele so he can pay her back for the kick to his balls.

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