Chapter Four

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Rosary's Pov
I was strangely hesitant the entire time I was following behind Lestat. His thoughts.. Were a strange mix of curiosity, annoyance they could rush anywhere all day. After like a mad man cleaning up the salon that my mother would throw a fit. Lestat had grab at my arms saying a few simple words. You are a vampire you can't see her for a while, not till your thirst is under control.

Dragging me along outside was the worst mistake. Everything was so loud and bustling the laughter, the thoughts of others was so.. Loud and bouncing around, it felt like everything was rushing out and popping out in front of my eyes. I wanted to wince and hide my eyes with my palms keeping a hard grip on Lestat's hand.

"Everything is.. Overwhelming I just wanna lay down Lestat." He tilted his head in my direction sighing moving to wipe away the small strands of blood from my chin.

"I know, I'm taking you back to the town house okay? Odd how you whine so much, and I can still hear your thoughts. I stopped hearing Louis and Claudia's instantly." I further didn't let my whines go noticed. The growing hungry was twisting up into my stomach, like worms dancing in the mud after a heavy rain storm. I had semi drained a man half my size and I was still hungry. Lestat had arrived in front of such a fancy looking house.

It was like my feet stomping in place when he pushed the front door open, before giving me a small push into the entrance. I gazed around with my eyes before a very soft sounding squeal had slightly startled me. A fast moving girl hugging the daylights out of me hugging me happily. I recognized her scent, relaxing visually bringing her into a nice deep hug.

"Hello Claudia." I whisper cracking a gentle smile at her squeals, her arms hugging at me tighter.

"Rosary! You look so beautiful, oh my goodness uncle Lestat did it already your eyes are such a beautiful blue like daddy Louis." I smiled down at her sweetly once she had pulled away from the hug. I gently held at her chin with a smile.

"Why thank you, I can really see all your immortal features now." I muttered with a soft giggle. I could hear heavy footsteps hearing the entrance before I could hear clearly a voice was not amused.

"Really Lestat? We said we weren't gonna change anymore, Claudia can barely contain her hungry as it is! The incinerator alone can't handle more." Lester clicked his tongue in annoyance, turning to face the black male who was not happy at all.

"On the contrary Louis, you haven't met Rosary. She is very dear to our daughter Claudia she's a little addition to our family. She's not younger than Claudia in fact she is older, she is eighteen. Which means she can teach Claudia when we can't no? As well of enough I turned her and still can hear her thoughts. Rosary, Louis." His husky chuckles sounded out before he urged me by his side with Claudia for me to gaze into his own sharp like eyes.

"Hello." I greeted him in a soft tone hearing him with quietly, before he stepped towards me bringing me for a tight yet smothering like hug.

"Its nice to meet you Rosary, I will try my best to be a better teacher than Lestat. All he has taught Claudia here is that blood can drive a man wild." A simple chuckle left me quietly once we pulled away from the hug, gently rubbing at Louis's arms speaking as I glanced up at him.

"I'll try to be a good teacher as well to Claudia she's a very sweet girl, I love spending time with her." I chuckled looking down for a moment tucking the red strands of my hair away behind my ear for a moment. How odd it was that I was gonna have my own little freedom...

I never had that before my thoughts drifting back to my mother, I would still try my best to see her whenever I could. Lestat tilted his head in my direction the strands of his hair flying into his view.

His lips weren't moving yet I could hear his voice inside my mind clear as day. Claudia jumping up and down while in front of Louis.

Don't forget I can still read your thoughts it's a bond connection us vampires have. I can read your thoughts and speak to you. I can get a sense of where and who you are with you understand?

I gave him my own odd look of amusement before tilting my own head speaking back to him to the best of my ability.

You say it as if I am dating you or you are my master Lestat. You are with Louis, I am but bond to no one but myself.

I sent a small smirk in his direction, when he sent me a glare back in return, before his own smirk flashed in my direction.

You are bonded to me, which means I can sense what you do.

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