Chapter Two

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Rosary's Pov
How odd it was for me to utter out the words that I had made friends in a young teenager. She had became a regular around the salon most nights if she wasn't occupied by the very handsome Lestat. She was rushing in asking me about my days, always wanting her hair in different styles her eyes so round of almost hurt to look into them for too long. I never really questioned why she only came around at night. She seemed more than excited when I was working to drag me along down the streets exclaiming about her own.

Tonight was no different her strength was out of this world listening to her soft giggles. "Now are you sure your dad's don't mind you running out late? I don't want you getting in trouble Claudia." She turned her head towards me giggling she shook her head a couple times at me squeezing at my hand deeply in her own. Grabbing both to swing in her hold.

"Don't worry now Rosary, Louis knows I am spending time with a friend. Which does remind me, what do you think of my dad Lestat?" I found myself lifting a gentle eyebrow in her direction with a chuckle poking at her nose sweetly before we sat down on the nearby bench under the streetlamps.

"He is very mysterious that's for sure. Very handsome though I can tell he ain't around here." I snickered under my breath tucking my legs under myself with ease folding them a little so there was plenty of room for the both of us.

"Sometimes I look at you and there's no way you are a real teenager you are so ethereal looking." Her face twisted up in confusion, eyes showing annoyance that she didn't understand. "It means out of this world." I poked at her nose again causing her to perk up at the thought.

"Why thank you! My dad talks about you a lot, it's usually good stuff like how you are beautiful and quite mature for your age. He's always saying you'll be perfect!" I held back a small nervous laugh rubbing at the fabric of my dress a couple times in place.

"Is that so? Perfect what little one." I was curious seeing her face twisted into conflicting emotions, almost like she was annoyed with herself playing with her fingers roughly.

"I'm usually suppose to be sleep, but they were arguing in French again. You see we're special but I'm not allowed to tell you till Lestat comes and visits you. I'm really lonely it's just us three, I've never had a sister before it was just me and my mama before they found me." I listened to her intently she faced her lap fiddling with her fingers more.

"I think you would be an amazing sister. You are so pretty and so smart you could learn so much from us Rosary do you ever feel lonely?" I found myself frowning a little at the thought. I was sort of lonely my mom got busy all day and all night. By the time she was home for supper she was exhausted and wanted sleep. I always gave it to her because she deserved it, she worked hard for what we had and what we were getting.

"I do get lonely sometimes. It's just me and my mom, I'm her only child now the rest of my siblings died sadly from a sickness." I smiled at her sadly like grabbing her hand one more. "I'm sure you are an amazing sister Claudia, I know it just from all your visits okay." I grinned at her hoping it had relaxed her some more. Sure I was sort of nervous her and her dad's talk was strange.

Yet I shouldn't have thought too much about it. He came from a different place, I had also heard about Louis yet I had yet to meet him. He sounded like quite the character to me, he had plenty of money and ran a lot. He was also known all in these parts down the blocks.

"Now we shouldn't waste the night away. How about I show you my favorite store? I get the best honey crisp apples from there." The loudest exclaim of excitement left her lips, grabbing at my hands quickly she rushed up to help me up off the bench. No words were said on her part as she quickly ran with me down the street. Dodging the automobile cars that were rushing down the streets.

"I use to love apples! Tell me what's your favorite food." She beamed at me for a moment her eyes scrunching up quickly in place.

"Oh that's easy dirty rice. It's so easy to make too, that or normal soups. I get cold easily."

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