Isabella wasn't ignorant of the climate.

It wasn't safe for a negro woman to roam the states.

If someone assumed she was suspicious or found her pretty, it wouldn't end well for her.

"Is it worth the risk?"

She didn't need to answer. Before asking, she knew the answer.


"Meet Hugh Gardner, darling. He will be your husband come September 15."

"Aren't you a beautiful thing? I've seen you around town, Isabella. I just had to have you,"

"You'll have no wishes unmet, dear. I will take care of you and your family. I don't mind that you're negro. In fact, it just makes you more enchanting, dear."

He took her hand and kissed it gingerly. "Soft skin, you're perfect. But I know you're a smart girl, I like that. A well-rounded girl,"


She was hurt that day.

Not by Hugh. Hugh was a stranger who wanted to marry her to fulfill himself.

She understood the carnal desires of humans.

She didn't understand why her parents decided to marry her off to a stranger.

Countless times since she explained to her parents how she felt about being married off.

They never listened.

Now she was leaving.

"Guide and keep me, Father." Isabella prayed before packing her bags.

The unknown didn't scare her. The questions filling her mind wouldn't deter her.

She had to leave.

With a farewell letter placed on the kitchen counter and Hugh's engagement ring beside it, Isabella hurried to the train station.

'There is no better way to say this.

I love you all, but I need to get away.

I could not marry Hugh and be in a loveless marriage.

I pray this doesn't come as a shock, as I have made my feelings known countless times.

Hugh has voiced his thoughts on monogamous marriage. He wants to be free to be with any woman of his choice.

I believe that love is about giving, and I couldn't give anything to Hugh, we both know that.

Pray for me as I pray for you all.

Know that one day I will return, and I hope to see more change than just in the season.

Please understand that this choice is what I feel to be the only and best one I could've made.

I love you, daddy and momma.



Livingston, Montana.

It was considerably colder in Livingston. Isabella's bones were chilled, yet she was glad to be off the train.

With her bags in tow, she started her trek to town.

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