19 (Long)

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Almost tripping over multiple times, i am very grateful when we finally reach the end of the tunnel.

Harry steps out as cheers erupt and i smile as i see everyone waiting for him.

"So what's the plan, Harry?" Neville asks him as he swallows and watches everyone step back

It goes silent as everyone expectantly awaits his words, hoping for any form of an agender after sitting and waiting for so long.

"Umm, well there is something hidden in the castle, something that could help us defeat you know who" He says as everyone looks at each other with smiles "But" he says, cutting off everyone's good spirits "we don't know what it is"

Neville, undeterred asks "Where is it?"

"We don't know that either" Harry answers quickly "I know that's not much to go on..."

"That's nothing to go on!" Seamus points out

"We think it has something to do with Ravenclaw" I say, trying to give people a bit more hope

"Yeah, Ravenclaw" He repeats, nodding at me, clearly grateful that I'm trying to help "It will be small, easily concealed.. any ideas?" Harry asks into the crowd as they all look back, blanked faced

"There is the lost diadem of Ravenclaw" Luna says

Ron rolls his eyes

"Oh here we go" He says as i elbow him and he makes a groaning sound as Hermione quickly covers her mouth, trying hopelessly to stifle her laugh

"Actually she may be onto something" I say as everyone turns to look at me

I stop in my explanation, suddenly dry mouthed by the students focusing on me. I see many with judgement in their eyes still after years.

"Umm.." I cough "Ravenclaw's diadem is a sort of crown- a tiara" I say "But it's been lost for century's" I finish

Suddenly the ground shakes as the door to the room of requirement opens

"Ginny!" I shout as she runs in

I rush up to her as i hug her close

"Scarlett!" She says back

"I missed you so much, i tried to go back, but-" I say

"I missed you too and it's good that you didn't go back, i had left already with my Dad" She says, still holding me tight

"6 months" I hear Ron mumbling behind us "6 months i haven't seen her and it's like i'm Franky first year! I'm her brother"

"Yeah, but there is only one good Malfoy" I hear Seamus saying "There's many of you"

I smile as we pull back

"Finally excepted that i don't want to kill you then Mr Steadfast Seamus?" I say with a smile

"On thin ice scathing Scarlett" He says crossing his arms over his chest, smiling also

"I came to tell you that Snape knows" Ginny says, suddenly, making me turn "He knows that Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade, he must know that you will be coming here"

"He's gone bonkers, Harry" Cho chips in "He's got students marching down the halls and acting like an army!"

Suddenly, we hear the sound of shoes outside the door

"Quite!" Neville yells as we all stop and stand still

After a silent second the sound seams to pass by the door

"That's them now, Snape has probably called an assembly, we should get out of here"

We all file in the hall, each separated into our houses, meaning Harry and i are separated and I'm nowhere near the others.

Harry keeps his head down as he tries to blend in.

I don't get long to think about it though, as Snape starts talking.

"It has come to my attention that Harry Potter was spotted in Hogsmeade this afternoon" He starts as people start muttering around me

"Harry Potter!" someone says

"That must mean Hermione and Ron are with him" Another points out

I'm with him too you know I say to myself as i roll my eyes, but i guess it's a good thing that know one notices me right now.

"Now" He booms out as everyone bows their heads again "If any person, student or staff, attempts to aid Mr Potter... they will be treated as equally guilty" He says as i suppress the want to lift my head to seek out Harry in the neighbouring line.

"Now then" He says suddenly, making my heart race as he starts to walk down the isle between all four quads of houses "If anyone wishes to tell me anything, i invite them to step forward, now"

He stops directly in front of me as i suck in my breath and squeeze my eyes closed, looking at the ground, just like everyone else.

It's silent as i hear my heart beating in my ears.

As if he hears my silent pleas to not spot me, he grabs a hold of my arms and pulls me out of the first line of Slytherins.

Everyone gasps as they see my face and wonder if i actually did help him, being a Slytherin.

"I'm surprised you didn't step forward" Snape says as i look him dead in the eyes, gritting my teeth at the pain my arm is in "Now, did you or did you not help Harry Potter!" He says in my face.

It's silent as i struggle, trying to get out of his hold, but it's no use

"I will ask you one... last... time" He says "Did you... or did you not... help Mr Potter escape the capture of the dark Lord....... Miss Malfoy" He finishes as i hear even more gasps at my name.

I can just hear their thoughts.

A Malfoy helping a Potter, unheard of!

Well this is about to shock them even more

"Of cause i helped him" I say, looking him dead in the eyes "He is my boyfriend after all" I finish as i spit in his face.

He sneers as he drops me to the floor just as a commotion starts to break out and i feel arms on my shoulders.

I look around as i see Hermione lending me a hand to get up.

"It seams despite your exhausting defensive strategies.. you still have a bit of a security problem headmaster" I hear Harry say as he steps in front of Hermione and i.

I see his hand outstretched behind his back as i quickly grab it just as the double doors open and Remus, Molly, Arthur, Ron and the others all file in

"Are you ok?" He asks

"Yeah" I say as i let out a breath, smiling at the others "I'm more then ok. Let's win this"

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